27 September 2009 – San Fabian.
27 September 2009
25 September 2009
Poster and Slogan Making Contests Held
The Poster and the Slogan Making Contests were opened to High School and Elementary students from the public and private schools in San Fabian. Twelve schools participated in the contests.
The Poster Making Contest is opened only to High School students while the Slogan Making Contest is opened to elementary pupils. The following competed in the Slogan Making Contest: Angelina Mae Go (Palapad Elementary School), Willy E. Prendol, Jr. (Marian School), Jheremeeh C. Arcaparlas (Bolasi Elementary School), Joel Ivan P. Bautista

Participants of the Poster Making Contest were the following: James Paul A. dela Cruz (Archdiocesan School of San Fabian), Jhapes Ally Nazarie B. Soriano (Saint Blaise Christian School), Mary Jane C. Petilla (Joyland School), Kenneth F. Basa (San Fabian Integrated School – Inmalog Sur), Tristan Kim Jordan M. Soriano (West Central Elementary School), Kathlea Jane R. Quibote (Mabilao National High School).
Angelica Mae M. Go, a twelve year old pupil of Palapad Elementary School won the first prize for the Slogan Making Contest. Willy E. Prendol, Jr of Marian School and Mariel Antonette F. Zwanzger of Sobol Elementary School won first runner up and second runner up respectively.
Kenneth F. Basa of San Fabian Integrated School of Inamalog Sur won the first prize in the Poster Making Contest. The first runner up was Jhapes Ally Nazarie B. Soriano of St. Blaise Christian School. Mary Jane Petilla of Joyland School won the second runner up prize.
The winning poster will be used as the cover of the souvenir program to be printed to commemorate the 2009 Christ the King celebration. The slogan will also be printed in the same cover.
The participants of both the Slogan and Poster Making Contests interpreted the theme of the celebration which is “Inkatoor nen Kriston Ary, Inkatoor na Totoo’y Dios” (Faithfulness of Christ the King, Faithfulness of the People of God). The winning slogan coined by Angelica Mae M. Go states "Katawan inaro mi kayo kanian onuren mi ganggan yo."
The chairman of the Poster and Slogan Making Contests is Mr. Leonardo A. Carrera, principal of the Archdiocesan School of San Fabian. The board of judges is composed of Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, Bro. Estephen Espinoza, Ms. Didith Narvas and Ms. Josie Garcia.
To see more pictures of the contests, please click HERE.
Repainting of the Parish Church starts
25 September 2009 – San Fabian. The work on the repainting of the church of the Parish of St. Fabian began last Monday, 21 September. The repainting is being done in preparation for the Vicariate III (Queen of the Most Holy Rosary) Christ the King celebration. The Parish of St. Fabian is the host parish.
In 2003, when the parish hosted the Vicariate III celebration of the solemnity of Christ the King, the belfry was restored and constructed. At that time, the facade of the parish church was painted.
The repainting will also include the inside of the church. The ceiling and the walls of the church are in need of repairs. In 2008, at the height of Typhoon Cosme, the roof of the parish church was destroyed by the strong winds. The rectory suffered the same destruction. Even today, the dirt and streaks of dirty water could be seen on the walls and ceiling of the church.
Engr. Santiago Alhambra is supervising the work. Mr. Pipoy Ferraro is contracted by the parish to paint the facade and the inside of the church.
21 September 2009
PREX Class 40, biggest class since 2004!
PREX Class 39 sponsored the weekend seminar which was held on 18-20 September at the Parish Center. The heavy rains on the first day did not deter the participants in attending the adult formation. The graduation was held on the last day of the seminar which was on 20 September.
Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the Parish Priest and Bro. Estephen Espinoza gave the eleven talks for the PREX Weekend seminar.
20 September 2009
Inararok iran kabaleyan, pinablik iran atateng tan agagi ed Kristo:
Say panangaro tan kareenan nen Kristo.
Nen sakey a Huwebes, 10 Septiembre 2009, walay agawan “Consultation Meeting” diad Parish Center na Parokia na San Fabian, Papa tan Martir. Sayan “Consultation Meeting” et nipaakar ed say nagagawan “quarrying operations’’ diad baley tayon San Fabian, particular diad Bued River ya sakop na pigaran Barangay tayo: Colisao, Binday, Anonang, Aramal. Saya so dinagopan na saray mangilalaman na nanduroman ahensia na gobierno, taloran Kagawad na baley tan taloran Kapitan na Barangay tayo tan pigaran concerned citizens tan parokiano na San Fabian.
Diad sayan meeting, apapaway so twan nagagawan quarrying operations tan say kipapasen tan situation na San Fabian laut la ed saray abitlan barangay lapud sarayan quarrying operations:
Unaan, say manunan rason no akin et aderal so Binday Dam nen inbeneg a taon et aliwa labat lapud say kapeles, kabaleg tan kakasil na danum ya inmagos lapud say Bagyon Cosme no ingen lapud say abayag la tan anggapoy tunda tan unregulated quarrying operations ya nagagawa. Say Binday Dam so structura ya balbaleg so tulong tod dakerakel ya dumaralos na San Fabian. Sanlibon hectaria so naseserbian na sayan dam. Nen saya so aderal lapud saray rason ya abitla la ngal-ngali anggapo so naani nen inbeneg ya taon diad sarayan barangay. Agaylay inpanirap da.
Kumadwa, naamtaan met ya dakel ed sarayan quarry operators so onsusumlang ed say ley tan regulations ya inpaletneg na Department of Environment and Natural Resources tan say National Irrigation Authority.
1. Say ley malinew ya ibabaga to ya agnayari so man-quarry 1.5 kilometers downstream and 1.5 kilometers upstream diad say dam ya inpalagey. Balet, pinmaway ya anggad 500 meters kaasinger ed dam so pankokotkot na saray manga-alay bato.
2. Say kaaralem labat ya sarag ya pangotkot et sakey metro. Balet, diad say sankaaraleman la na say akotkot ed Bued River et lipos la so sakey ya kiew a niyog.
3. Say pangot-kot na bato et ag nepeg ya ag onasingger ya 5 metros ed river banks. Balet, naneng-neng ed say aktwal ya kipapasen ya Bued River ya say panag-kotkot et mas asingger ni nen say 5 metros.
4. Say endorsement pian say sakey et makapan-quarry so manlapud say Sangguniang Bayan odino diad Sangguniang Barangay. Naalmoan ya say Sanggunian tayo et agni akapangiter anggan sakey ya endorsement tan likud ed sakey ya barangay ya angiter na sakey ya endorsement, saray Barangay ya apektado et ag met nira akapangiter na endorsement ed sarayan operators. Akin et tuloy-tuloy ni so operasyon na quarry ed baley tayo.
5. Walay quota odino limitasyon na sakey ya operator nipaakar ed saray karakel ya nakotkot ton bato ed sakey taon. Anggad natan, anggapo so makapangibaga no pigara lan tonelada so akotkot ed San Fabian ya inawit ed arum ya baley, tan arum ya probinsiya na sarayan quarry operators.
Lapud saraya, naamtaan ya talomplon hectaria lan dadalosan so aderal tan abalang. Pigara lan irrigation canals so ngal-ngali la nasabi na tebag lapud maksil ya agos lapud say kaaralem la na Bued River. Akin et inmaralem ya maong so sayan ilog? Lapud say unregulated ya panag-quarry! No atapew labat komon so akot-kot, aliwan onyan kakasil tan kapeles na agos na danum, tan agkomon ontebag tan naiyagos so pigapigaran hectarian papageyan. Say sakey ya pakakatakotan tayo: no naderal lamet so Binday Dam.
No naderal so Binday Dam lamet, say kairapan so kabaliksan to ed dakerakel ya pamilya. Tan lapud saya, say chain effect to so onkayat ed say edukasyon, say abig-laman tan say negosyo diad San Fabian.
Anto so nagawaan tayo?
Unaan, kerewen tayod Sangguniang Bayan ya mangipasa ya tampol na Resolosyon para say Provincial Government tan DENR ya mangaway Stoppage of Quarrying Operations diad San Fabian leleg na say Sangguniang Bayan so mangipasa na sakey ya ordinansan mamalet na regulasyon nipaakar ed say Quarrying Operations diad baley tayo. Kerewen kon suportaan tayo iyan action na Sanggunian Bayan.
Kumadwa, walay sulat para say Gobernador na Pangasinan ya onkekerew na say pamatunda na say quarrying operations tan say pamatunda na pangiter na arum niaran quarrying permits. Imbestigaan komon na saray ahensian walad kanepegan so nagagawan quarrying operations diad baley tayo tan itdan na kanepegan ya aksion ed saray naalmoan ya onsusumlang ed saray ley. Saya petition letter so komon et pirmaan tayon amin. Tan kasumpal, saya so ipawit ya tampol ed say Gobirnador tayo.
Kumatlo, say panbantay tayo; say pangasikaso tayo ed say inter na Dios ed sikatayon kalikasan. Aliwan amin et nasaliw na kuarta. Wala ra so nailakon agla balot naipawil. Wala ray ag naisalat ya kayaryan na baley. No aderal so kalikasan diad baley tayo, anto ni so naipatawir tayo ed saray ontumbok ed sikatayo? Nunoten so pankamaongan na karaklan aliwan say pigpigara labat. Agtayo komon nalingwanan ya wala ni ra so arum ya onsublay ed sikatayo diad say arapen iran panaon. Tan saraya et saray inararo ran anak tan apo tayo ra.
Baleg so nagawaan tayo no mankakasakey tayo. Ilaban tayo so San Fabian! Saya labat so baley tayo. Agtayo abuloyan ya naderal iyan pinablin baley tayo.
Kasian tan bendisionan tayon amin na Dios a Mapangasi!
16 September 2009
A Primer on the resignation of Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz and the appointment of Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas as Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan

1. Why the change in leadership?
The above change in leadership is explained by a provision of the Second Vatican Council which earnestly requests diocesan bishops to resign from their office, if on account of advanced age or form any grace cause they become less able to carry out their duties (1). In implementing this provision of the Council, the code of Canon Law asks diocesan bishops to tender their resignation upon completing their seventy fifth year (2).
2. Who appoints and accepts the resignation of bishops?
As a matter of principle, Canon Law prescribes that for a resignation to take effect, it must be accepted by the authority which is competent to provide for the office in question. (3) Hence, the resignation of a resigning bishop, in this case, Archbishop Cruz, was accepted by the Supreme Pontiff who has the authority to appoint bishops. (4)
3. What becomes of the bishop who resigned?
A bishop whose resignation from office has been accepted acquire the title "emeritus" of his diocese. (5) If he so wishes he may have residence in the diocese. (6) Furthermore, the diocese which he served has the obligation to provide for the upkeep of a bishop who has resigned. (7)

4. When does the new bishop assume his new office?
One who is promoted a bishop, in this case the succeeding bishop, Archbishop Villegas, cannot yet exercise the office entrusted to him until he has taken canonical possession of the diocese. (8) "Canonical possession," popularly called "installation", denotes the formal act by which the bishop assumes full governance of the diocese. A bishop who is already consecrated must take possession within two (2) months after receiving the notice of his appointment.
5. How does the new bishop take canonical possession of his diocese?
A bishop takes canonical possession of his diocese when he shows the apostolic letter of his appointment to the diocesan Board of Consultors, in the presence of the chancellor of the curia who makes a record of the fact. The canonical possessionmust take place in the diocese. (10) and the law strongly recommends that it be performed with a liturgical act in the cathedral church, in the presence of the clergy and the people. (11)
1. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Decree on the Pastoral Ministry of Bishops, Christus Dominus, n. 21:
2. CIC, Can. 401, 1:As the pastoral office of bishops is so important and onerous, diocesan bishops and others whose juridical position corresponds to theirs are earnestly requested to resign from their office if on account of advanced age or from any other grave cause they become less able to carry out their duties. This they should do on their own initiative or when invited to do so by the competent authority. If the competent authority accepts the resignation it will make provision for the suitable support of those who have retired and for the special rights to be accorded to them.
A diocesan Bishop who has completed his seventy-fifth year of age is requested to offer his resignation from office to the Supreme Pontiff, who, taking all the circumstances into account, will make provision accordingly.4. CIC, Can. 377, 1::
The Supreme Pontiff freely appoints Bishops or confirms those lawfully elected.5 and 6 .CIC, Can. 402, 1:
A Bishop whose resignation from office has been accepted, acquires the title 'emeritus' of his diocese. If he so wishes, he may have a residence in the diocese unless, because of special circumstances in certain cases, the Apostolic See provides otherwise.7. CIC, Can. 402, 2:
The Episcopal Conference must ensure that suitable and worthy provision is made for the upkeep of a Bishop who has resigned, bearing in mind the primary obligation which falls on the diocese which he served.8. CIC, Can. 382, 2:
A person who is promoted to the episcopate cannot become involved in the exercise of the office entrusted to him before he has taken canonical possession of the diocese. However, he is able to exercise offices which he already held in the same diocese at the time of his promotion, without prejudice to can. 409 §29. CIC, 382, 2:
Unless he is lawfully impeded, one who is not already consecrated a Bishop and is now promoted to the office of diocesan Bishop, must take canonical possession of his diocese within four months of receiving the apostolic letters. If he is already consecrated, he must take possession within two months of receiving the apostolic letters.10. CIC, Can. 382,3:
A Bishop takes canonical possession of his diocese when, personally or by proxy, he shows the apostolic letters to the college of consultors, in the presence of the chancellor of the curia, who makes a record of the fact. This must take place within the diocese. In dioceses which are newly established he takes possession when he communicates the same letters to the clergy and the people in the cathedral church, with the senior of the priests present making a record of the fact.11. CIC, Can. 382,4:
It is strongly recommended that the taking of canonical possession be performed with a liturgical act in the cathedral church, in the presence of the clergy and the people
13 September 2009
Brgy. Bolasi holds Barangay Visitation
12 September 2009 – San Fabian. The images of the Divine Mercy and of the Blessed Virgin Mary were welcomed by the residents of Brgy. Bolasi as part of the Barangay Visitation program of the parish. The Barangay Visitation includes the holding the Adult Catechetical Talks and Youth Encounter. It is part of the preparation of the parish for the Vicariate III celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King this coming 22 November 2009.
The Farewell Mass was celebrated on 12 September, the last day of the Visitation. It was celebrated by Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest. Sixteen children received the Sacrament of Baptism.
In spite of the heavy downpour, a procession was held to bring the sacred images from Barangay Bolasi to Barangay Tocok, the next barangay to host the Visitation.
To see more pictures of the Barangay Visitation in Bolasi, please click HERE.
12 September 2009
San Fabian Lay Ministers attend Updating
12 September 2009 – Lay Formation Center. The fourth batch of lay ministers underwent the regular Lay Ministers’ updating at the Lay Formation Center of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. The Lay Ministers of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, joined the said updating. The fourth batch came from the parishes of San Fabian, San Jacinto and Dulag. There were more than 120 participants.
The lay ministers of the parish were composed of the Lectors and Commentators and the Lay Eucharistic Ministers. The Family and Life Apostolate of the Archdiocese facilitated the updating seminar.
The Lectors and Commentators of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, at the Lay Formation Center (Photo courtesy of LFC)
The Lay Eucharistic Ministers of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr (Photo courtesy of LFC)
09 September 2009
Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, DD retires

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, DD succeeded Msgr. Federico G. Limon upon the retirement of the latter. He has served the Archdiocese for almost two decades with integrity, pastoral charity and commitment to social justice.
According to the CBCPNews online, Archbishop Cruz said “the first thought that came to my mind upon knowing of the change of my ecclesiastical status is to thank the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.”
“The reason is it’s her birthday anniversary today,” he said.
In the same report, he was quoted to have said that "he is most grateful to the clergy, the religious and the laity in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, “for being very patient with me and understanding.”
He said the clergy, religious and laity “were able to bear with me for about two decades and that is to their credit.”
07 September 2009
Rosary Making taught to the catechists and parishioners
The half-day training was held last 6 September, Sunday, after the regular meeting of the Parish Catechists. It was held at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Chapel. Some members of the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) participated in the training.
06 September 2009
Knights of Columbus Council 5739 holds installation of officers
The installation of the new council officers was done by SK Crispulo G. Bautista, District Deputry L-35, and assisted by SK Martin V. Estayo, the immediate past Grand Knight and the District Warden.
The following are the newly installed council officers: SK Saturnino J. Perez, Grand Knight; SK Ernesto C. Vigilia, Deputy Grand Knight; SK Guillermo E. Somintoc, Jr., Chancellor; SK Josefino N. Abrigo, Recorder; SK Cornelio Manandeg, Warden; SK Gregorio T. de Guzman, Jr, Treasurer; SK Minandro F. Ocampo, Advocate; SK Diomede C. Romero, Lecturer; SK Marcial S. Dizon, Trustee 3rd Year; SK Bernardo C. Apilado, Trustee 2nd Year; SK Jaime P. Dojillo, Trustee 1st Year; SK Lito I. Narvasa, Inside Guard; SK Jaime A. Gutay, Outside Guard.
The Knights of Columbus of the Parish of St. Fabian Council 5739 was established in 1965 with SK Gregorio T. de Guzman as the first Grand Knight. Since then, there were 22 Grand Knights who served the council faithfully after SK Gregorio T. de Guzman. SK Saturnino J. Perez is the 23rd Grand Knight of the council.
On April 23, 1905, the first council of the Knights of Columbus was established in the Philippines. This was Council No. 1000 located within the Walled City of Intramuros.
The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Founded in the United States in 1882 by Rev. Fr. Michael J. McGivney, a twenty-nine year old Catholic Priest of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A., it is named in honor of Christopher Columbus.
There are more than 1.7 million members in 14,000 councils, with nearly 200 councils on college campuses. Membership is limited to "practical Catholic" men aged 18 or older.
05 September 2009
Aramal holds Barangay Visitation

The sacred images were carried in a procession from Barangay Aramal to Bolasi, the next barangay to hold the Barangay Visitation. The procession lasted about one and a half hours amidst intermittent rains.
Barangay Bolasi will have its visitation from 5-12 September 2009.

To see more pictures of the Barangay Visitation in Aramal, please click HERE
03 September 2009
PPC meets for the Christ the King Vicariate III Celebration
The different committees formed by the PPC to prepare for the Vicariate III celebration of the solemnity of Christ the King 2009 updated the body about their preparations.
The body also decided to hold the following parish activities as activities to bring about a greater awareness of the parishioners regarding the celebration of the Christ the King which the parish will host on 22 November 2009. The body decided on the theme: “Inkatoor nen Kriston Ari, Inkatoor na Totoo’y Dios”. The theme is based on the theme of the Year of the Priests as proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI from June 2009 to June 2010.
On 25 September 2009, Friday, the Parish will hold the Poster and Slogan Making Contest based on the theme. Bro. Leonardo Carrera is the chairman of the contest which is open to the students and pupils of the different private and public schools in San Fabian.
On 4 October 2009, Sunday, a mini-Cristo Rey celebration will be held in the parish. The procession will begin at 3:00 PM followed by the Holy Mass. The Blessed Sacrament will be carried during the procession.
On 11 October 2009, Sunday, a Healing Mass for the sick members of the parish will be held. On 17 October 2009, Saturday, a Medical Mission will be held at the Parish Center.
On 18 October 2009, Sunday, a Family Bible Quiz will be held.
On 25 October 2009, Sunday, will mark end of the novena in honor of our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. A procession will be held after the 4,30 PM mass.
On 7 November 2009, Saturday, the parish will hold the Parish Service Day devoted in the clean-up of the Parish Plaza.