18 June 2011 – LFC, Dagupan City. Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD, the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, formally announced the composition of the recently constituted Archdiocesan Council of the Laity, locally known as OLUPAN NA LAIKO – ARKIDIOSIS NA LINGAYEN-DAGUPAN, during the meeting of various lay representatives of the parishes of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan.
Supremido is presently the BEC Parish Coordinator of San Fabian and the Parish Social Action Lay Coordinator. He heads the Apostles of Divine Mercy, the vehicle organization of the parish in building the small communities, or cenacles, in the barangays.
In his Easter Sunday Circular Letter, Archbishop Villegas laid down the rationale in constituting the ONLA-ALD.
He said, “ In steady pursuit of our pastoral goals laid down in ICTHUS, we are now ready to constitute our Archdiocesan Council of the Laity so that we can unify our church lay organizations, apostolates, ministries and communities into a corporate body and hopefully consolidate all our lay pastoral initiatives and plans towards a common thrust.”
The other members of the ONLA-ALD chosen by the Archbishop were: Sis. Susan Aoanan (Worship), Bro. Marcelo Vistro (Education), Sis. Janice Hebron (Services), Sis. Silvana de Vera (Temporalities) and Bro. Dennis (Youth).
(Dado Gerard C. Vallejos is a contributor to the Parish Website. He is at present a member of the Ministry of Social Action (MISA) of the Parish and the Barangay Coordinator for the Hapag-Asa Feeding Program of the Parish. He is also a Teacher -I in Longos Central Elementary School.
Picture courtesy of Ms. Fritzy Marques Narvas, from her Facebook site.)