Anto kasi gawaen tayo no tinmoktok so Katawan ed abong tayo tan inkuanda, "Nakaukolan koy manayam ed abong mo natan"?
Onya so agawad si Zacheo. Si Zacheo so aliwan ordinarion too. Sikato so Chief na saray manag-kolekta na buis. Sikato sirin so mayaman. Sikato so makapanyari. Balet, sikato met so kabusol na saray kapara ton Judio. Say rason: bibirbiren dan traidor na bansa lapud sikato so mankikimey para sa nansakop ed sikara, saray Romans, tan sikato so matakew, kanian sirin makasalanan. Anggaman, mayaman tan walay pakayari to, anggapoy respesto na totoo ed sikato lapud sikato so makasalanan. Sikato so aarawian. Sikato so pipiregan na karaklan.
Nen kinmalab ed kiew si Zacheo pian nanengneng toy Jesus ya manaakar ed kapegleyan na karakel a tooo, sikato so anengneng nen Jesus. “Epas kan tampol, Zaqueo, ta nakaukolan ya ontuloy ak natan ed abung mo.” Inkuan na Katawan ed sikato.
Ontan lay liket nen Zacheo.
No ontoktok so Katawan ed abong tayo tan salanti ibagara ya "Nakaukolan ya ontuloy ak natan ed abung mo", anto kasi so reaction tayo? Malikeliket kasi a singa si Zacheo odino sikatayo so nababaingan ta agtayo akaparaan? Odino ampan awiten tayo ed arum ya abong ta amta tayon maringot tan magulo so abong tayo?
Mabetbet ya onya so gagawaen na Katawan diad Ibanghilyo: sikato so mabetbet ya onbisita ed pasen tan kaabongan na saray mairap bilay, saray mansasakit tan anggan saray bibirbiren na karaklan ya makasalanan. Akin et onya so mabetbet ya gagawaen na Katawan? Akin apili to so abong nan Zacheo ya kabat na amin ya matakew tan managsaol?
Ta lapud nakaukolan nen Zacheo so mapangasin panangaro na Katawan. Tan lapud sayan inpanabetan da, tan say inloob nen Jesus ed abong nen Zacheo,inpanengneng toy kaaraleman na panagbabawi to. Iter koy kapalduay kayaryan ko ed saray mairap-bilay, Katawan; tan no wala bilang so sinaol ko, mamipat a karakel so ipawil ko.”
Say bunga na inloob nen Jesus ed abong nen Zacheo et say panagbabawi ed saray kasalanan to tan say panagpasimbalo na bilay to.
No onloob si Jesus ed bilay tayo, anto kasi so naalmo to ed puso tayo?
Diad pangako tayo na masanton komunyon, si Jesus so onloob ed abong na puso tayo. Aawaten tayo so Katawan. Balet, wala met kasi so liket ed say pangako tayo ed say Katawan? Wala met kasi so pangbabawi ed saray bibirbiren tan aakoen ya kasalanan tayo? Wala met kasi so panagpasimbalo na bilay? Nepeg labat ya walay bunga tan panapasimbalo na bilay no aakoen tayo so Katawan diad masanton komunyon.
Si Zacheo so oliran tayo komon: diad inpangawat tod Katawan, walay liket ed puso to; walay panagbabawi to; walay panagpasimbalo ed bilay to.
Ontan pa komon. Amen.
30 October 2010
24 October 2010
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Sayan alimbawa nen Kristo so natalusan tayo no nengneng tan imanoen tayo no siopa ra "bida" tan onta so ginawa ra. Duaran too so linmoob ed timplo ya mandasal: sakey ya Phariseo tan sakey ya pubikano o sumisingil na buis.
Saray Pariseo et disiplinado tan maseet a mananumbok na relihiyon na saray Judio. Seryoso ra nipaakar ed saray ley na relihiyon da. Say kerew na Judaism et maminsan ed sakey taon labat manayuno so sakey ya Judio, balet mamidua ed sakey simba ran manayuno! Mangiiter ira na abuloy ed amin ya nanaalmo da aliwan parte labat na nanaalmo ra. Kanian nen imbaga na samay Pariseo ed samay istorya nen Jesus, “Aliwa ak a singa saray arum a totoon maagum, masaol, tan mikakaloguran! Mamidwa ak a manaayuno tan iiter koy kakplo na amin a nanaalmoan ko”, sikato so ag manlulurey! Siopa ed sikatayo so mangagawa iraya?
Saray sumisingil na buis balet, nen panaon nen Jesus, so bibirbiren iran abeba so moralidad da! Lapud, sikara so manlilingkur ed saray irehes ya Romans, tan mangaawat iray marutak ya kuartan mabetbet ya uusaren na gobiernon agda labay!
Saray sumisingil na buis balet, nen panaon nen Jesus, so bibirbiren iran abeba so moralidad da! Lapud, sikara so manlilingkur ed saray irehes ya Romans, tan mangaawat iray marutak ya kuartan mabetbet ya uusaren na gobiernon agda labay!
Anto so dasal da ya dua? Say dasal na Pariseo et dasal na pisasalamat. Balet nidumaduma yan pisasalamat! Misasalamat ed Dios ya Katawan ta aliwan makasalanan a singa samay sumisingil na buis a kabansag ton linmoob ed timplo.
Samay sakey say dasal to et dasal na panangasi.
Anto so kabaliksan ton yan istorya ed bilay tayo?
Unaan, sikatayo so nilaban nen Kristo. Aliwan lapud dilin pakapanyari tayo et sikatayo so makaonla ed tawen. Say grasya nen Kristo, say tawag tod sikatayo tan say ebat tayo ed sayan grasya so makapangiter na kilalaban tayo. Kanian, say dasal na sakey a makasalanan so dinengel na Dios. Akin? Ta lapud bibirbiren to so panangasi na Dios ed bilay to. Amta na sarayan sumisingil na buis ya say pakanengneng na totoo ed sikara et agto kabaliksan ya pakanengneng met na Dios la. Walay ilalo ran kilalaban, aliwa diad say biskeg na ley na relihiyon, balet onung ed say panangasi tan grasya na Dios.
Samay dasal na Pariseo? Say Dios so misalamat ed sikato ni ingen! Diad arap na Dios, nilastogan toy Dios!
Onya met kasi so panagdasal tayo no maminsan? Aminsan, sinmakit so ngipen ko. Kanian, siak so nadasal. I realize ko ya samay dasal ko balet et dasal na singa sayay Pariseo: say kuanko ed Dios – Akin et onya? Anto so ginawak ya makapoy et sinmakit so ngipen ko? Pari mo ak ni? Ag ak met mantatakew, manaayuno ak met, anggapo met so papateyen ko? Dasal na panangasi manaya so nakaukolan – Katawan, say grasyam so mangiter ed siak na kabiskegen. Kaasian mo ak, a managkasalanan.
Sirin, lapud say panangasi na Dios, say kasalanan tayo so sarag na napirdona na Dios. Saya so kabaliksan na panangasi na Dios. Agto kabaliksan ya lapud sikatayo so nankasalanan et interon bilay tayo la managkasalanan tayo. Agtayo komon lilingwanan ya say katekep na kasalanan et say mapaabebaban panagpataoli. Tan kada kasalanan tayo, walay manaalagar ya panangasi na Dios. The greater the sin, the greater the mercy of God!
Agagik ira, no onloloob tayo ed simbaan ya mandasal anto ra kasi so walad liknaan tan kanunutan tayo?
Diad sampot say panangasi na Dios labat so nakaukolan tayo. Agtayo la nakaukolan ya lastogan so Dios.
Ontan la komon.
16 October 2010
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Say maseet tan mansiansian panagpikasi

Sayan imahen nen Moises ya aktagey so taklay to et aliling toy panagdasal tan panagpikasi tayo ed say Dios a Katawan. Diad ibanghilyo, nangelan tayo so istorya na Katawan nipaakar ed panagdasal tan say seet tan pansiansian panagdasal. Walay sipan na Dios a Katawan ed siktayo ya iter to so kanepegan tan say katunongan ya kekerewen tayo ed say Dios, laut la no sikatayo so lalamesen, odino papairapen na arum, tan papalsaan da itayo na aliwa. Diad say istorya na Katawan, samay maoges ya huis et dinengel to so pikakasi na samay balon bii. Kuay nen Jesus: "Say Dios balet ey? Ag to kasi iter so kanepegan da ray dilin totoo to ya agew-labin mikasi? Ag to ra kasi tulongan a tampol? Kuankod sikayo: iter ton tampol so kanepegan da. "
Saya sirin so sipan na Katwan ed sikatayon amin ya manpipikasi ed sikato: say Dios iter ton lanang so kanepeegan tan say twa tan peteg ya nakaukolan tayon katunongan. Anggaman no maminsan lanti et onsabi iyan pigay bulan o taon, say Dios dedengelen ton lanang so dasal tan pikakasi tayo. Si Jesus tampol ya walad kaabay tayo tan kaiba tayo diad gapoy-gapo na pikakasi tayo.
Sirin no sikatayo so mandadarasal, tan awi-awit tayo iray problema tan saray pakakagonigonan tayo, tan saray sasakbaten tayo, et aliwan, "Kawalaan mo Jesus?" odino, "Kapigan mo dengelen so kerew ko?" No ingen, say tepet et naalmo ed say tepet met nen Jesus ed samay sampot na istorya diad Ibanghilyo: "Balet no onsabiy Anak na Too, wala kasiy nasabian ton pananisia diad mundo?"
No anggapo so panagmatalek tayo ed say Dios, no aliwan mabolaslas so pananisia tayo ed say Katawan, mas pabebelaten tayo ra so sasakbaten tayo. Si Jesus so walad kaabay tayo; manmatalek tayo ed sikato. No natatakot tayo ed saray arapen tayo, awiten itayo nen Jesus ed dalan ya labay ton pangi-awitan ed sikatayo. Manmatalek tayo labat ed sikato; tooren tayoy Katawan.
Sirin, no sikatayo so mandarasal tan manpipikasi ed say Dios, agtayo lilingwanan ya anggapoy pikakasi ya ag dedengelen na Katawan. Say Dios ingen so manaalagar ed sikatayo ya onkerew tan manpikasi ed sikato ed amin ya nakaukolan tayo. Komon agtayo nanaekalay ilalo; komon, mansiansia so panagpikasi tayo. Ta pian, singa si Moises, anggaman naksawan lay taklay ton akaatagey, walay seet tan pansiansia to, lapud manisia tan walay talek to ya say Dios a Katawan lapud say pikakasi nen Moises, agto ra paolyan tan ilaban to ra ed saray kalaban da. Ontan pa komon. Amen.
14 October 2010
14 October 2010 - Dagupan City. The Archdiocese of Lingayen Dagupan will present a concert entitled ‘FADZ IN CONCERT” on October 22, 2010, Friday, at the CSI Stadia, Lucao District, Dagupan City with a matinee performance at 3:00 pm and a gala show at 7:00 pm.
FADZ is a jejemon word for priest. The youth fondly call their priests in the archdiocese “Fadz”, an address of endearment which the priests themselves allow the youth to use when calling them. The same jejemon word was used as concert title in view of the Church’s thrust to use new methods and approaches to make the Gospel more relevant to the youth and the poor.
This is the first time that such an all priests concert will be held in this archdiocese. The idea was born during the weekly Monday dinners that the Archbishop hosted for the priests to promote a spirit of camaraderie among the priests. After dinner, over a cup of tea or coffee or while enjoying dessert, the priests took turns singing with videoke accompaniment. The idea of a priests’ concert was born.
This is not a fund raising concert for a cause. The concert rehearsals became occasions for strengthening fraternity among priests. It was a team building exercise among the priests that extended to four months. It was fun time. It was bonding time. They came together once or twice a week during their free evenings—sang together, laughed together, danced together—not so much for the October 22 concert but for the sheer fun of being together. It was awesome to see the priests in their childlike simplicity dancing gleefully and singing with much gusto.
The concert is primarily an act of appreciation for the Catholic laity of the archdiocese. The priests dedicate this concert to the parish laity--they who have been so supportive of priests; so understanding with the shortcomings of priests; so constant and consistent in helping priests; so faithful in praying for priests. Through this concert, the priests will say to the Catholic laity: “We love you and we have always appreciated your kindness to priests. Our main fault is that we have not shown our gratitude all these years.”
This concert is an act of love from a grateful clergy to their ever supportive parish laity.
In spite of the shadows in the Church caused by issues of priests in problematic situations or priests not fully understood by their flock on certain social issues, this concert is a way to reach out to the laity celebrating what is right and beautiful with the world. The mark of Christian discipleship is joy and Christian life is a big feast!
Fads in Concert
09 October 2010
Panmutektekan: 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (C)
Si Naaman so sakey ya commander na army nen Ari na Syria. Aliwan Judio si Naaman; sakey ya pagano. Makapanyari. Mayaman. Balet, walay sakit to: walay leprosy to.
Diad sakey ed saray pibabakal nen Naaman, walay inerel dan ogaw ya bii ya Judio. Saya so nagmaliw ya aripen tan katulong diad abong nen Naaman. Nen naamtaan na sayan ogaw so sakit nen Naaman, say kuanto: no komon onla so amok ed si Propita Eliseo ta paabigen to. Saya so inbaga ed si Naaman, tan inbaki na ari to ed si Propita Eliseo. Onya so ganggan nen Elisio ed si Naaman: orasan mon mamamimpito ed Ilog na Jordan so laman mo, et sigput ya onabig ed sakit mo. Nen nangel nan Naaman so ganggan nen Propita Eliseo, masaydoy pasnok to: Mas mararakep tan malinis ni ra so ilog dimad bansa tayo nen say ilog na Jordan. Akin et aliwan diman ak la manoras ya maminpito? Saya so inkuan nen Naaman.
Balet, diad sampot, linma lan lamang si Naaman. Tinoor toy ganggan na Propita na Dios. Tan sikato so atambal. Unong ed saya unaan ya babasaen tayo: Balibali so nagmaliway laman to tan singa baog na ogaw so baog to.
Say Dios tayo et Dios ya makabat. Usaren to so saray bengatla agtayo ilaloan pian naawat tayo so agnasabsabaan ya grasya ya para sikatayo. Say nakaukolan tayo labat et "Manisia tan say toor" We only need to "Believe and Obey".
Ag ilaloan ya say sakey aripen ya ogaw so inusar na Dios ya instsrumento pian nakabatan nen Naaman, a sakey a pagano, ya walay propita na Dios ed Israel. Nepeg labat ya manisia tan tooren nen Naaman so ganggan ed sikato. Nen linmad si Propita Eliseo, say ilaloan nen Naaman et onkerew na baleg a kantidad, tan mangaway mairap ya tumboken pian onabig. Balet, say ganggan nen Eliseo: mantaksasaw kan maminpito ed ilog na Jordan. Simple labat manaya. Ag iya ilaloan nen Naaman. But Naaman only has to believe and obey!
Samploran akating so inmasingger ed si Jesus. "Jesus! Katawan! Kasian mo kami!" so pikakasi da. Laka yon mampanengneng ed saray papari." so ganggan na Katawan. The ten only need to believe and obey. Nakaukolan labat ya sikara so manisia tan tooren day inbaga na Katawan. Diad dalan labat, sarayan samplora so inmabig!
Say pananisia so aliwan makabaliksan no saya et anggapo sopanag-toor. Say sakey ya pakabirbiran tan pakasukatan na mabilay tan mabiskeg ya pananisia et naalmo no panon tayon tooren so Dios a Katawan tayo. We believe. We obey.
Anggapo so kabaliksan na panisia ed Dios a Katawan no agtayo lan lamang tooren so Dios ed bilay tayo. Panon tayon naibelyaw so pananisia tayod Katawan no ipireg-pireg tayo so tawag tod sikatayo. Say tua, diad sikatayo, aliwan onkokolang so mananisa ed say Dios, no ingen say matoor ed say Dios tan matoor ed say pananisia ra.
Kanian, anggaman anton irap, we need to listen to what our faith tells us, and we have to obey. Walay Dios, manisia tayo ed Sikato. Say Dios tayo mapangasi tan mapangaro. Say Dios tayo makabat. Amta to no antoy pangkamungan tayo, anggaman no maminsan et agtayo natatalusan. Say Dios tayo matunong. Say Dios tayo makapanyari.Say Dios so manangantabay tayo. Sirin, no onya so pananisia tayod Dios a Katawan tayo, sipaparaan tayo sirin met ya tooren so Dios tan say ganggan to. Mairap so mangaro, tan mamirdona. Mairap so ag-mantila tan manbilay ya simple tan maoksoy. Mairap ya tumboken so ibabagay simbaan nipaakar ed jueteng tan diad saray bisyo. Mairap so ibagagay simbaan nipaakar ed panag-usar na artificial contraception. Mairap so manbasa na salita na Dios tan mabetbet ya mandasal. But, we believe. And we obey. Tan lapud saya, say pikakasakey tayod Dios so nagamuran tayo.
Ontan pa komon. Amen.
07 October 2010
"Food for Work" program launched; "Lugaw with Father Soc" to be held
7 October 2010 - San Fabian. Twenty-five families whose lives were abruptly changed by the rampaging flood waters of Typhoon Pepeng a year ago are rebuilding their lives -- and their homes at the planned "Holy Family Village" in Brgy. Binday, San Fabian.
The Holy Family Village is the housing project of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr with the Franciscan Movement for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (FMJPIC) which will provide the materials for the homes. The beneficiaries are providing the labor and work force in the preparation of the land and the building of the houses.
During the last Parish Pastoral Council meeting held last 22 September 2010 at the Parish Rectory Hall, it was decided that the parish will provide the necessary funds and other necessities in support of the housing project especially in providing "food for work" for the beneficiaries working at the housing site.
To raise funds for the "Food for Work" program, a "Lugaw with Father Soc" will be held on 17 October 2010, Sunday. Archbishop Soc will celebrate the mass at 4,30 PM. The "Lugaw with Father Soc" will follow at the Parish Center.
The parish has been asking for food donations, especially canned goods, noodles, sugar and coffee, rice and other non-perishable goods which can be used to feed the workers.
Small cans will also be distributed to the different schools which can hold coins for the children to give for the program.
"We want that the whole parish will be involved in this program." Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest said. "The children should be aware that they can help in the completion of the housing project by giving something no matter how little. What matters is the generosity and the willingness to help. That is what is important."
Tickets for the "Lugaw with Father Soc" are available at the Parish Office. Mrs. Felomina Sagun heads the committee in selling the tickets. Each ticket is worth Phil. Pesos One thousand (P1,000.00).
The Holy Family Village is the housing project of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr with the Franciscan Movement for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (FMJPIC) which will provide the materials for the homes. The beneficiaries are providing the labor and work force in the preparation of the land and the building of the houses.
During the last Parish Pastoral Council meeting held last 22 September 2010 at the Parish Rectory Hall, it was decided that the parish will provide the necessary funds and other necessities in support of the housing project especially in providing "food for work" for the beneficiaries working at the housing site.
To raise funds for the "Food for Work" program, a "Lugaw with Father Soc" will be held on 17 October 2010, Sunday. Archbishop Soc will celebrate the mass at 4,30 PM. The "Lugaw with Father Soc" will follow at the Parish Center.
The parish has been asking for food donations, especially canned goods, noodles, sugar and coffee, rice and other non-perishable goods which can be used to feed the workers.
Small cans will also be distributed to the different schools which can hold coins for the children to give for the program.
"We want that the whole parish will be involved in this program." Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest said. "The children should be aware that they can help in the completion of the housing project by giving something no matter how little. What matters is the generosity and the willingness to help. That is what is important."
Tickets for the "Lugaw with Father Soc" are available at the Parish Office. Mrs. Felomina Sagun heads the committee in selling the tickets. Each ticket is worth Phil. Pesos One thousand (P1,000.00).
Bruce Lee's Priest:: Archbishop Soc celebrates Silver Sacerdotal Anniversary
“God called me to follow Him and He called me through Bruce Lee. Before I heard the words of Jesus ‘Come follow me,’ I first heard the words of Bruce Lee, ‘Be yourself and learn the art of dying,’” the 50-year-old Villegas said in reminiscing the story of his vocation to the priesthood. " Bruce Lee, not Jesus was my teen age idol. I was too sickly to engage in martial arts but I was an avid reader of Bruce Lee’s philosophy," he further said.

Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD was ordained to the priesthood by the late Jaime Cardinal Sin on 5 October 1985 at the Manila Cathedral at the age of twenty five. He served as personal secretary of the late Archbishop from his ordination until 2004. While keeping his post as personal secretary to the late Cardinal Sin, he also served as rector of the EDSA Shrine.
He was appointed Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan on 8 September 2009.
The Archbishop was joined by his classmates, and by Rev. Frs. Leo Macaraeg and Rafael Cruz, priests of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan who also celebrate their 25 years in the priesthood.
To read the full text of Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas' homily, please click here.
All photos, courtesy of Rev. Fr. Allan Morris T. Abuan
Homily of Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD on the occasion of his silver jubilee as a priest
Homily delivered by Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD on the occasion of his silver jubilee as priest held at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist, Dagupan City last October 6, 2010 at 10:00 o’clock in the morning.
God called me to follow Him and He called me through Bruce Lee. Before I heard the word of Jesus “Come follow me”, I first heard the words of Bruce Lee “Be yourself and learn the art of dying.”
Bruce Lee, not Jesus was my teen age idol. I was too sickly to engage in martial arts but I was an avid reader of Bruce Lee’s philosophy. Bruce Lee said:
Be flexible. Be formless. Be fluid. Be shapeless like water. You put water unto a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. Water can flow or it can crash or creep. Be water my friend. Water has the continuity of movement. You must free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying. The cup realizes itself only by being empty. Be yourself.
These words touched me deeply within. It disturbed my sleep. It distracted my studies. It left me desiring passionately to learn the art of dying. I wanted to be empty like the cup. I wanted to be formless like water. I wanted to find myself. This search brought me to the gate of San Carlos Seminary in Makati because our high school principal said that was where I could learn the art of dying like my idol Bruce Lee.
Called to Die
In San Carlos Seminary, they took me as I was – a Bruce Lee fan. I opened myself to my spiritual director but I kept it from my classmates. I was afraid they would not understand. Seminarians can be tough. They were all there because of Jesus. I was there because of Bruce Lee. Patiently, the spiritual director taught me: Tow thousand years before Bruce Lee, another wiser man said in Galilee, “If the seed dies, it bears fruit”. I fell in love with this man wiser than my teen age idol. I laid aside Bruce Lee album and magazine collection and answered the call of Jesus, “Come follow me.”
When the Lord says, “Come follow me”, He really means to say, “come and die with me.” The priesthood is a call to crucifixion. Priesthood and victimhood are two inseparable side to the same coin. Among all men in society, it is the priest who must be an expert in the art and science of dying. This is the dying that opens more lives. This is the dying that brings bright hope. This is the dying worth celebrating. I celebrate today twenty five years of dying for and with the Lord.
Without this art of dying, there would be no Church; for indeed Church was born from the pierced side of Christ. The Church was born from the dying and rising of our Lord. The most important, the highest, the most sublime expression of our faith is the Eucharist – the memory of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. How can the Eucharist be offered without the memory of the dying of Christ? The Eucharist teaches us ho to die, how to love, how to live.
Be like water
Bruce Lee taught me to be like water. Be flexible. Be formless. Be fluid. Be shapeless like water. You put the water unto a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. Water can flow or it can crash or creep. Be water my friend.
Bruce Lee taught me to be shapeless and flexible like water. Jesus taught us that too. In becoming a man like us, Jesus became a man among men. He did not cling to the honor of being God, he stripped himself of glory and became like us in everything except sin. Like flowing water, Jesus stooped down before his disciples taking the form of a slave and washed their feet and told us to do the same. In the Philippines, Jesus is a Filipino. In Dagupan, Jesus is a Pangasinense. He is like us. He is not different. He has embraced us. He has pitched his tent among us and live among us. Bruce Lee taught me the mystery fo the incarnation and inculturation long before my professors wrote those big words in the blackboard of the seminary classrooms.
It is Bruce Lee and it si Jesus who helped me in the vast and rapid changes in my ministry. From urban EDSA Shrine to rural Bataan, Bruce Lee helped me quietly to be formless like water. You put water into a cup, the water become the cup. They sent me to EDSA, I became EDSA. They sent me to Bataan, I became Bataan. They sent me to Pangasinan, I became Pangasinan. Take the form where you are poured. Flow like water. Be like water.
Dedication and Sacrifice
Bruce Lee said: Success flows form dedication and self-knowledge. What ws success for Bruce Lee was holiness for Jesus. Bruce Lee only saw success and nothing beyond it. Jesus pointed beyond success and opened the door to perfection. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect, Jesus taught. What is the way to success? What is the way to perfection? Bruce Lee and Jesus shared a common road map – sacrifice.
If the seed dies, it bears fruit. If you want to be my disciple, carry your cross daily and follow me. Bruce Lee echoed this Christian tenet in these words: You must free your ambitious mind and learn the art of dying. The cup realizes itself only by being empty. Be yourself.
There is no holiness without the cross. There I no love without sacrifice. How mut the priest live out this call to die? Cardinal Sin taught me two very important lessons in dying. The Eucharist and the confession are sure way to the art of dying. Free your ambitious mind though confession. Learn the art of dying through the Mass.
My brother priests: Our vocation is such a great blessing but it can also be a great temptation. The priesthood can lead us to heaven as we touch heavenly thing here on earth or it can lead to our damnation if we take for granted the holy mysteries we hold. If you want sincerely to take care of your vocation, three things are necessary: celebrate Mass daily, pray the complete Liturgy of the Hours faithfully everyday and go to confession monthly.
I ask for the gift of your commitment to celebrate Mass everyday regardless of the number of parishioners attending or the Mass offerings from the sponsors. Celebrate Mass daily even if it is only the sacristan beside you. Don’t say it is a waste of time it is such a great blessing to offer jut one Mass. Believe that one single Mass has power to change the cosmos. Can you imageine the power of the daily Mass? And you have that power, priest of God! No day without a Mass. A day without Mass is a day without breath. If you feel that way when you are unable to offer a Mass, you have begun your journey to mystery. Celebrate the Mass with utmost reverence, vigilant not only for validity, but for fruitfulness. Keep the fire in your heart each time you offer the Mass; this way, you can set other hearts on fire also.
My brother priests: relish the sacrament of penance. Relish hearing confessions regularly with much patience and compassion because we are sinners ourselves. We are not angels. If you start to think of yourselves as angels, you will end up acting like beasts. Frequently go to confession yourselves and avail of the grace of the sacrament of mercy often. The barometer to gauge the depth of your spiritual life is the frequency of your confession. You may be a good administrator or a fast builder or an eloquent teacher or a popular pastor, but if you are far from the sacrament of penance, you are only yourself. You are not another Christ.
The breviary must be our daily companion. To pray the entire divine office daily is a grave duty for every priest. Don’t rush the breviary. Our first duty is to be intercessors. Our first duty is to pray. We can change the world on our knees not through rallies. Praying the breviary faithfully will expand your heart for love and strengthen your heart against sin prayer will keep you pure of heart.
My dear brothers and sisters, how can you help us priests? The Archbishop of Cologne had a ready answer. “If you want to help priests, go to your priests for confession.” The greatest pastoral achievement is the chance to penetrate hearts, restore peace to sinners and share the hope of God. Every absolution is an immense pastoral success! An absolution after confession is a greater pastoral success than building cathedrals or universities!
Friends of priests: How can you help priests? Go to Mass daily. Learn from the altar the art of dying. Let Jesus teach you how to follow him and how to die with him. Nobody remains the same after receiving Holy Communion.
Thank you for the grace of your presence today. I have been asked: What is my most memorable moment as a priest of twenty five years? My quick answer: Everyday … Everyday is memorable. Every day is a grace. You my friends have made every day of my twenty five years memorable.
Thank you, Bruce Lee, for being an angel to me. Thank you, Cardinal Sin, for teaching me to love my priesthood.
Thank you, Jesus, for calling me to be yours.
I am yours forever.
03 October 2010
October is Family Rosary Month
San Fabian - 1 October 2010. The Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, once again celebrates the Family Rosary Month this October. The month long celebration is an expression of the strong devotion of the parish to to our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.
The daily mass is celebrated every afternoon at 4,30 after the praying of the holy rosary. Everyday, a barangay sponsors the mass, with representatives from five families from the barangay leading the praying of the rosary.
The daily mass is celebrated every afternoon at 4,30 after the praying of the holy rosary. Everyday, a barangay sponsors the mass, with representatives from five families from the barangay leading the praying of the rosary.
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