Carl R. Thien was born in New York. During the war, he served as a combat photographer with the 201st CIC Corps which served in Australia, New Guinea and the Philippines. His grandson, Justin R. Taylan, is the creator of the website Pacific Wrecks.

ONONAN BABASAEN Kab. nen S. 1:13-15: 2:23-24
Babasaen ya inaon ed libro na Kakabatan nen Solomon
Ag pinalsa na Dios so patey, tan no ompatey iray mabilay a pinalsa, ag to pakaliketan. Pinalsa toy amin a bengatla pian mansiansia ran mambilay, tan maung tan marakep so amin a bengatlan pinalsa to. Anggapod sikara so makapatey a samal. Ag ooleyan na patey iyan mundo, ta ag ompatey so inkatonung na Dios.
Nen pinalsa itayo na Dios, ag to ginetman ompatey itayo; ginawa to itayon singa sikato. Say ibeg na Diablo so angyakar na patey ed mundo, tan saray kayaryan na Diablo so ompatey.
Salita na Katawan.
E/. Idayew ta ka, Katawan, ta inyagel mo ak.
1. Idadayew ta ka, Katawan, lapud inlaban mo ak tan ag mo inyabuloy ya elek-elekan ak na saray kalaban ko. Ag mo inyabuloy ya onla ak ed lobuk. E.
2. Kantaan yoy panangidayew so Katawan, sikayo ran matoor a totoo to! Nunot yo no anto ray ginagawa na samay Masanto, tan pisalamatan yo! Magangganon onkekepay sanuk to, balet anggad samput na bilay so kaabigan to. Nayarin walay ermen no labi, balet onsoblay so gayaga no kabwasan so onsabi E.
3. Dengel mo ak pa, Katawan, tan kasian mo ak! Tulongan mo ak pa, Katawan! Sinalatan mo na magayagan sayaw so ermen ko; nilakseb mod siak so ermen ko, insan inkawes mod siak so gayaga. Katawan, sikay Dios ko; ando lan andon misalamat ak ed sika. E.
KUMADWAN BABASAEN 2 Cor. 8:7,9, 13-15
Babasaen ya inaon ed kumadwan sulat nen Pablo ed saray taga Corinto
Mayaman kayo ed pananisia, panagsalita, kakabatan, diad seet yon makatulong, tan diad panangaro yod sikami. Kanyan diad sayan panaglingkur lapud aro, mabonluk met komun so panangiter yo.
Ta kabat yoy panangaroy Katawan tin Jesu-Cristo; anggaman a mayaman nagmaliw a mairap-bilay makasengeg ed sikayo, pian onyaman kayo diad panamegley na inkamairap-bilay to.
Ag ko getman palemewen iray arum diad pamabelat kod sikayo; ingen, lapud dakel yo natan, manepeg met ya ontulong kayod saray kaukolan da. Et no mankaukolan ki met tan dakel da, tulongan da kayo met. Diad onya, mampapara kayo. Onung na ibabagay Masanton Sulat,
“Say toon anipoy dakel ag alabas ed kinarakel so kayaryan to, tan say toon anipoy daiset ag alabas ed kinaraiset so kayaryan to.”
Salita na Katawan.
E. Alleluia. Siak so silew na sankamundoan, kuay Katawan; say ontombuk ed siak niwalad sikatoy silew a mangiter na bilay ya andi-anggaan. E. Alleluia.
IBANGHILYO Mar. 5:21-43
Babasaen ya inaon ed masanton ibanghilyo onung ed kinen Marcos
Binmaliw lamet si Jesus ed biek na dayat, tan amayamay iray totoon dinmadagod sikato. Wala met so dinmagon sakey a toon manngaray Jairo, sakey ya opisyal na sinagogad man. Kasabi to, dinmakmomod arap nen Jesus tan akikasi, “Ompapatey so anak kon manmamarikit. Mila ka kari, ta itapew mo labat so limam ed sikato, et onabig tan mambilay!”
Akilan tuay Jesus ed sikato. Dakerakel met iray totoon tinmombuk tan nantotolakan iran onsingger ed kinen Jesus.
Walay sakey a biin labinduay taon lan maniirap lapud alablabas a pandadala to. Amayamay lay nampapatambalan ton doktor tan agastos to lan amin so kuarta to, balet ag onaabig no ag ingen lalon onloloor so sakit to. Nadngelan toy ibabaga ray totoo nipaakar ed kinen Jesus, kanyan akiletletan ya anggad impakaasingger to. Diniwit toy kawes nen Jesus, ta kuantod sikaton dili. “No nadiwit ko labat so kawes nen Jesus, onabig ak la.”
Tinmondan tampol so pandadala to, tan alikas tod laman to ya inmabig la. Diad saman met a bekta, alikna nen Jesus a walay pakayarin pinmaway ed sikato, kanyan inarap to ray walad nibeneg to tan inkuanto, “Siopay aniwit ed siak?”
Inmebat iray disipulo to, “Anta sankanengneng mon deresdesen kay dakerakel a totoo, tepeten mo no siopay aniwit ed sika?”
Intuloy nen Jesus so pannenengneng tod kaliber-liber to, diad panaanap to no siopay nanggawa. Samay bii amta toy agawa, kanyan manggiwgiw ed takot to. Dinmagon nantalimukor ed arap nen Jesus, tan impatwa ton amin so agawa ed sikato. Inkuanen Jesus, “Anak ko, say pananisiam so amaabig ed sika. Onla kan mareen lay kalakal mo, tan ag la ompawil so sakit mo.”
Mansasalita niy Jesus nen pigaran totooy sinmabi a nanlapud abung nen Jairo, “Inatey lay anak mo?” kuanda, “akin et aabalaen mo niy Maistro?”
Balet ag inimano nen Jesus so imbaga ra. Inkuanto ingen ed kinen Jairo, “Ag ka natatakot; pabiskeg moy linawam.” Anggapoy inabuloyan nen Jesus a milad sikato no ag si Pedro tan saray sanagin Santiago tan Juan labat. Nen sinmabi rad abung nen Jairo, anengneng nen Jesua a magolo-golo ray totoo. Wala ray mannangnangis tan manogogaog. Linmoob ed abung tan inkuantod saray totoo, “Akin et magologolo kayo? Akin et mannangnangis kayo? Ag inatey so ogaw; nanaogip labat!”
Inelek-elekan da labat si Jesus. Pinapaway to ran amin, likud ed saray ateng na ogaw tan saramay taloran disipulo, insan linma rad kuarton kawalaay ogaw. Binembenan tod lima tan inkuanto, “Talitha koum,” a say labay ton ibaga, “Ining, ibabagak ed sika, bangon ka!”
Binmangon a tampol imay ogaw, a mantaoy labindua, tan nanakar. Ontan lay pankelaw dan amin. Impupurek nen Jesus ya anggapoy pangibagaan dan balut na sayan agawa. Insan kuanto, “Itdan yoy kanen to.”
Ibanghilyo na Katawan.
13 June 2009 – San Fabian. Brgy. Rabon is the sixth barangay (out of 34 barangays) in the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, to welcome the Blessed Virgin Mary and the image of the Divine Mercy as part of the Barangay Evangelization Program of the parish. The program includes the Barangay Adult Formation Program and the Youth Encounter. The Adult Formation Program is given to the adult members of the barangay on three occasions, covering three topics on the Family, the Basic Doctrines and the Bible. The Youth Encounter is a three day program for the youth of the barangay.
The Adult Formation Program was given to Brgy. Rabon at 7PM of 10-12 June. The Youth Encounter was held from 12-14 June.
Mass, Wedding and Baptism
On 13 June, the last day of the Visitation, at 2:00 PM, a holy mass was celebrated with Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest, as the celebrant. Two couples received the sacrament of matrimony. The sacrament of baptism was celebrated after the mass.
Procession to Brgy. Tiblong
The images were brought to Brgy. Tiblong, the next host of the Evangelizaton Program. The residents of Brgy. Tiblong met the images at the boundary of the two barangays. A procession was held from there until the Brgy. Chapel of Tiblong. The images will stay in Brgy. Tiblong from 13 – 20 June 2009.
To see more pictures of the Visitation in Brgy. Rabon, please click HERE.
Job 38, 1.8-11
Babasaen ya inaon ed libro nen Job:
Manlapud bagyo, say Katawan
akisalitad kinen Job:
Siopay angisara na saray puirta a manamper ed danum na dayatc
nen pinmaway a nanlapud dalem na dalin?
Siak so anakbung na saray lorem ed dayat tan amalkut na bilonget.
Siak so angyan na ketegan na dayat
tan impokuk ko ed pasen ya akatalak iray puirta to.
Imbagak ed dayat, "Angga ka dia labat tan ag ka la onlalabsan!
Dia mangangga iray mabiskeg a daluyon mo."
Salita na Katawan
Babasaen ya inaon ed kumadwan sulat nen Pablo ed saray taga Corinto:
Ta ooleyan kamiy aro nen Cristo, bangta bibirbiren min inatey so sakey a too para amin a katoowan; say labay to yan ibaga, minanabang so amin a katoowan ed impatey to. Inatey para amin a katoowan si Cristo, pian saray mabilay et ag la ra mambilay para sikaran dili, no ag ingen para samay inatey tan inmolid bilay para sikara.
Kanyan natan, say pangamta miy siopaman et aliwa lan onung ed panagsintinsiay too. Nen inmona, onyay impangamta mid Cristo, balet aliwa lan onya natan. Kanyan nagmaliw a balon pinalsa so siopaman a toon akikasakey ed Cristo. Linmabas lay daan, tan sinmabi lay balo.
Salita na Katawan
Marcos 4, 35-41
Babasaen ya inaon ed Masanton Ibanghilyo unong ed si Marcos:
Nen onlalabi la, diad saman lamlamang ya agew, inkuanen Jesus ed saray disipulo to, "Ombaliw itayo." Tinaynan da sirin ira may totoo tan linmogan irad baloton kawalaan la nen Jesus, insan ira binmaliw. Wala met iray baloton kabansag da. Kabebekta, sinmabi so maksil a bagyo. Lapud saray daluyon ya onsisipwak ed baloto, ngalngali la napanoy danum. Akadanganan a naogip si Jesus, diad bandad samput na baloto. Niliing na saray disipulo tan inkuanda, "Maistro, anggapo labat so pagpagam? Onlelereg itayo la!"
Binmangon si Jesus tan ingganggan to may maksil a bagyo, "Tonda ka!" Insan kuantod saray daluyon, "Deen kayo!" Tinmondan tuay bagyo tan dinmeen a maung so dayat.
Kayari to man, kuanen Jesus ed sikara, "Akin et agaylay takot yo? Anggapo ta niy pananisia yo?"
Asabian iray balbaleg a takot tan inkuandad sakey tan sakey, "Siopa kasi yan too, a pati say dagem tan saray daluyon et ontotoluk irad sikato?"
Say Ibanghilyo na Katawan.
12 June 2009 - Dagupan City. The celebration of the 111th anniversary of the independence of the Philippines was celebrated in the city of Dagupan with a Prayer Rally against Con-Ass.
Msgr. Ocar V. Cruz, DD said, “House Resolution 1109 stands not only as its big and clear formal ignominy but shall also remain as its gross official disrepute in the annals of its history. Its much calculated yet obviously devious move in favor of Charter Change via its solitary call as a Constituent Assembly, only demonstrates its utter subservience to the Executive Department – apparently for the right price. With such a distinctly base and infamous resolve, the Upper House of Congress en contra thereto now appears standing way up there as it possibly can.”
In his letter announcing the holding of the Prayer Rally, Archbishop Cruz stated the reason for the Prayer Rally. “When expressedly called for by no less than CBCP itself, to register our expressed yet peaceful and prayerfully group dissent towards the morally objectionable and ethically offensive House Resolution 1109 about the anti-Constitutional holding of a CON-ASS eventually leading to the likewise anti-Constitutional term extension of the presumed President of the land – long since well known for serious graft and corrupt practices – we cannot but respond accordingly.”
The massive Prayer Rally was held at the Dagupan City Astrodome, and attended by more than5,000 people from various groups and different parishes of the Archdiocese. More than a hundred parishioners from San Fabian joined the protest action.
The program was opened by a prayer of Rev. Fr. Julius Cuison, the Spiritual Director of the Mary Help of Christians College Seminary. The students of the Malasiqui Catholic School presented a haunting presentation depicting the various social ills and governmental corruption.
The resource speaker was Atty. Feliciano Bautista, the National President of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. Atty. Feliciano Bautista is from the province of Pangasinan. He explained the implications and the unconstitutionality of the House of Representatives convening iteself into a Constitutional Assembly without the participation of the Senate in changing the Constitution. He answered several questions from the audie061220091167.jpgnce during the open forum.
Former Speaker Jose de Venecia spoke after the forum. De Venecia, once a staunch advocate of Charter change said he has turned against it because present efforts were meant to “perpetuate President Arroyo in power.” He urged the Pangasinenses to fight Con-Ass and said that Pangasinan shall take this lead in the North.
A Holy Mass with Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, DD as the main celebrant together Msgr. Renato P. Mayugba, DD, the Auxiliary Bishop, and the clergy of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan was celebrated. A singing of the “Bayan Ko” was led by the clergy after the mass. The whole assembly sang the “Bayan Ko” with raised hands and clenched fist. “Bayan Ko” was the song of protest during the Martial Law years. The rally was interrupted many times by shouts of “Con Ass, AGCO!” and “Con Ass ni Gloria, AGCO!”
Mr. Tony Liwag and Mr. Dong Jajardo hosted the program. The Archdiocesan Social Action Apostolate coordinated the whole affair. The Prayer Rally was dubbed as “Bayan Ko, Mahal Ko. Con-Ass, AGCO!” AGCO has been used as a by-word in the advocacies of the Archdiocese. It means “I do not like” “I am against”. AGCO is also a broad coalition of various sectors of the society which is led by the Archdiocese.
The huge crowd of more than 5,000 filled the Dagupan City Astrodome to protest Con-Ass.
The students of the Malasiqui Catholic School performing a haunting depiction of the ills of society brought about by unbridled greed and corruption in government.
Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, DD and the clergy during the mass.
6 June – San Fabian. The Barangay Evangelization Program of the parish was held in Brgy. Bigbiga. The images of the Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary were received by Brgy. Bigbiga last May 30 from Brgy. Gumot.
The images were brought to the Brgy. Hall. The adult catechism sessions last June 3-5 were all held at the Brgy. Hall. The Youth Encounter was done at the Brgy. Bigbiga Elementary School.
Team 3 of the Barangay Adult Formation Program gave the catechesis. The team is composed of Sis. Gloria Emuslan, Sis. Betty Abrazaldo, Sis. Violeta Omiles, Sis. Fritzy Narvas. Bro. Estephen Espinoza gave the catechesis on the Bible.
The Rainbow Connection
On the second day of the catechesis, after a heavy downpour which was followed immediately by the sun breaking out of the clouds, a beautiful rainbow suddenly appeared. It was a magnificent manifestation of God’s glory and presence. What made it more magnificent was the proximity of the end (or the beginning) of the rainbow to the Barangay Hall where the catechism was being held.
The celebration of the Mass, a Wedding and Baptism
On June 6, Saturday, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the Holy Mass was celebrated by Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest. It was preceded by a pre-Jordan talk, in preparation for the celebration of the sacrament of baptism. Bro. Tony Supremido gave the talk.
One couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Balanon, received the Sacrament of Matrimony while about thirty eight children received the Sacrament of Baptism. It was a grand, fiesta-like celebration!
After the veneration of the images, the people of Brgy. Bigbiga bade farewell to them. They were brought to Brgy. Rabon. The people of Brgy. Rabon met the convoy brining the images at the boundary between the two barangays. After one week, the visitation in Brgy. Bigbiga came to a fruitful and meaningful close.
To see more pictures of the Barangay Visitation in Brgy. Bigbiga, pls. click HERE.
31 May – San Fabian. The 37th weekend seminar for the Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) was held at the Parish Center last 29-31 May 2009. The PREX is the main adult formation program of the Parish.
PREX Class 36 sponsored the weekend seminar. Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest, with Bro. Estephen Espinoza gave the talks to the participants.
PREX Class 37
Faith Families
31 May – San Fabian. The month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. May is considered the season of the beginning of new life. Already in Greek culture, May was dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of fecundity. In Roman culture, May was dedicated to Flora, the goddess of bloom, of blossoms. The Romans celebrated ludi florales (literally: floral games) at the end of April, asking the intercession of Flora for all that blooms.
May, dedicated to Mary
This Christian custom of dedicating the month of May to the Blessed Virgin arose at the end of the 13th century. In this way, the Church was able to Christianize the secular feasts which were wont to take place at that time. In the 16th century, books appeared and fostered this devotion.
The practice became especially popular among the members of the Jesuit Order — by 1700 it took hold among their students at the Roman College and a bit later it was publicly practiced in Rome. From there it spread to the whole Church.
Flores de Mayo, daily offering of flowers
A daily offering of flowers was done by the parishioners every after mass. The flowers are offered at the foot of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary while the song “Tierna Madre” is being sung. The “Salve Regina” is then sung by the community. At the end of the offering, the Pangasinan song “Adios O Reyna’y Tawen” is sung.
The parish usually celebrates the Mayflower and the Santacruzan during the last Sunday of May. Santacruzan is a festivity to commemorate Queen Helena’s search of the Holy Cross. The legend tells us that Queen Helena at the old age of 75 and around 300 years after Christ had died on the cross had come in search of the Holy Cross at Calvary. She was able to discover three crosses and so she instructed one of her sick servants to lay on all three crosses and the one where the servant was miraculously healed was believed to be the Holy Cross. The anniversary of Queen Helena’s discovery of the cross is on May 3.
CWL sponsors the Mayflower and Santacruzan
The Catholic Women’s League of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Marty, is the yearly sponsor of the celebration of the Mayflower and Santacruzan. It is one of their association’s fund raising activities for the projects of the parish. The construction of the covered walkway connecting the Church, the Parish Center and the Mt. Carmel Chapel is the main project being funded.
The Reyna Elena 2009 is Kristine Joy P. Narvarte, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Narvarte. Emperador Constantino is Rovic Jay N. Quirimit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Quirimit. The sagalas of the Santacruzan and their consorts are the following: Reyna Ester (Marie Antonette Rivera), Prince of Faith (Rench A. Santos), Reyna Flora (Nicole F. Romero), Prince of Hope (Leandro R. Zafra), Reyna Estralla (Hazel Jhed de Guzman Rosario), Rosa Mistica (Retchie Vienna C. Pantas), Prince of Charity (Jose Neil P. Castronuevo), Queen of Virgins (Justine Ivy P. Bautista), Prince of Loyalty (Joel Ivan P. Bautista).
Sis. Alicia Z. Gubatan is the present President of the CWL – San Fabian unit.
To see more pictures of the Santacruzan 2009, please click HERE.