10 July 2011 – San Fabian, Pangasinan. “We all have something. There is no amount so big that it cannot be shared; and no amount so small that it cannot be accepted. Give, because it is a JOY to do so!” Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza. the Parish Priest of San Fabian, spoke about “Mission: 143+44”, in all the masses today. Using a Powerpoint presentation, he explained its meaning and significance in the parish.
A Fund Raising Campaign
Non-conventional Approach
There are two reasons why the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, will go into fundraising. One, to raise the needed resources to support a project and or activities/programs of the parish. Two, to provide the parishioners the opportunity to participate in the various programs and activities of the parish.
Mission:143+44 is not the usual conventional fundraising activity of the parish.
Conventional fundraising strategies such as concerts, dinners and selling of souvenirs and/or printing of programs are usually high effort-high expense-low yield ventures.
Mission 143-44 is a daring parish venture to raise a huge amount, at a given time-frame, at low cost, on strategic volunteer effort, using strategies that would strengthen community spirit.
A Direct Donation Approach
It is a direct solicitation approach: no product to sell or market, neither is there a major event as concert, dinners, etc. It simply relies on private appeals by individuals and smaller groups to their circles of potential donors, accompanied by brochures, banners and posters and other activities to promote the campaign.
Giver-Friendly Scheme
It will raise a big amount in a short time: Php. Three Million in four months offering a giver-friendly scheme of fulfilling the pledge. For a Php 1 thousand pledge to be fulfilled in 4 months, it would only become Php 250.oo a month or Php62.50 a week, and Php 8.95 a day! The shared amount among groups becomes smaller due to the number of members of the group and the longer time the pledge would be fulfilled.
It will cultivate generosity among the parishioners.
Direct donation approach encourages a habit of giving - the kind that asks for nothing in return, except the satisfaction of helping a worthy cause.
Mission 143-44 is rooted in the belief that there is a generous giver in everyone, and the challenge for the parish (and the fundraiser) is to create an environment where the giver in each one is joyfully drawn out.
It also stems from the belief that giving to a good church cause is not a burden to endure, but an opportunity to be mined: an opportunity to do something good, an opportunity to be part of a significant endeavor for God.
The number “44” will remind the parishioners when to give their donation: every 4th week for 4 months. The campaign begins on 10 July and will end on 10 October 2011.
A huge 10 feet by 15 feet tarpauline has been set up outside the church to monitor the progress of the campaign. The tarpauline has as a backdrop the design of the new retablo with 1 thousand dots covering it. Every dot represents a 1 thousand donation. Whenever a Php 1 thousand pledge has been fulfilled, the dot will be shaded red and the initials or the name of the donor will be written in the DOT or DOTS depending upon the number of DOTS donated for the project.
Fr. Mendoza said, “We belong to each other. We belong to the parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr. We are many, and we are one -- in our mission. When we pool our resources, there is nothing we cannot do. Everything is possible. Everyone can. With God’s grace and mercy! “
As a clincher, he asked the congregation: “K ka na ba?” referring to the community commitment: Kaiba ka. Kasama ka. Kadua ka.