29 November 2009

Barangay Poblacion holds Visitation

San Fabian – 28 November 2009. Barangay Poblacion welcomed the image of the Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary as part of the Visitation Program of the Parish. The Visitation refers to the visit of the image of the Divine Mercy and the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary to a barangay for one week.

Barangay Poblacion, however, had their Visitation for only five days from 23-28 November. This was because the images stayed in Barangay Sagud Bahley for two more days due to the Vicariate celebration of Christ the King held last 30 November.

The Farewell Mass was held on 28 November 2009, Saturday. The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated after the mass. A procession from Barangay Poblacion to Barangay Nibaliw Sabangan was held.

The Holy Mass was held at the Corpuz residence where the images were also kept for the nightly vigil.


To see more pictures of the Visitation in Barangay Poblacion, please click HERE.

28 November 2009

More than 50 Corros celebrate Feast of the Miraculous Medal of the BVM

San Fabian – 27 November 2009. The more than 50 corros or Cenacle Groups of 30 members came together to celebrate the Feast of the Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A procession was held at 5:00 AM with the different corros brining with them their statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The members of the families of each corro took part in the procession. The Holy Mass was celebrated after the procession.

Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest, celebrated the Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Miraculous Medal

The Miraculous Medal comes directly from the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother; it is a gift from heaven which has never ceased to effect marvels of grace throughout the entire world. This medal is a very simple and very efficacious means to benefit from the protection of Mary in all our necessities, both spiritual and temporal.

On November 27, 1830, in a residence of the Daughters of Charity, at the Chapel of the Rue du Bac in Paris, the Most Blessed Virgin appeared to Saint Catherine Labouré (1806-1876) for the second time. On this day the Queen of Heaven was seen with a globe under Her feet and holding in Her hands, at the level of the heart, another smaller globe, which She seemed to be offering to Our Lord in a gesture of supplication. Suddenly, Her fingers were covered with rings and beautiful jewels; the rays from these streamed in all directions.

“Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us”

The Blessed Virgin looked down on the humble novice who was contemplating Her. “Behold,” She said, “the symbol of the graces that I bestow on those who ask Me for them. The jewels which remain in the shadows symbolize the graces that one forgets to ask Me for,” the Virgin continued. And Catherine Labouré wrote later, “She made me understand how generous She is towards persons who pray to Her, how many graces She grants those who ask Her for them, and what joy She has to bestow them!” Then there formed around the Mother of God an oval background on which was written in gold letters: O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

Corro 1, the oldest Circle, at almost 70 years old

The oldest corro or circle of members of 30 families is Corro 1. It was formed in the late 1930’s. The present members of Corro 1 are the children of the original members of Corro 1. The first corro in San Fabian is thus more than 70 years old.

Mr. Wenceslao Sagun narrated that during the Japanese time, i.e., 1941-1945, the statue which Corro 1 members are keeping today, was under his family’s care. It was hidden and protected by the Sagun family during the whole duration of World War II.


  Some of the more than 50 corros of the Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary

24 November 2009

Barangay Sagud Bahley celebrates Visitation

Sa Fabian – 23 November 2009. Barangay Sagud Bahley held its Barangay Visitation for nine days instead of the usual one week. The Vicariate celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King moved the Farewell Mass from 21 November, Saturday to 23 November, Monday, a day after the Christ the King celebration.

The image of the Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary were carried in the procession in honor of Christ the King. Thus, they had to be brought from the barangay chapel of Sagud Bahley to the parish church on 21 November.

The Farewell Mass was celebrated by Fr.Oliver E. Mendoza. There were 16 children who received the Sacrament of Baptism. The images were brought in a procession to Barangay Poblacion after the Farewell Mass.

  To see more pictures of the Visitation in Barangay Sagud Bahley, please click HERE.

More Pictures with Fr. Soc

San Fabian – 22 November 2009.112220091915

Fr. Soc during the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 112220091916 Fr. Soc with some members of the Mother Butler’s Guild

112220091917 Fr. Soc with members of the Accommodations Committee of the Christ the King Celebration 2009, just before the Holy Mass.

23 November 2009

Viva Cristo Rey! San Fabian Parish hosts Vicariate III celebration of Christ the King

San Fabian – 22 November 2009. The Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr hosted this year’s Vicariate III, Our Lady of the Rosary, celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King. The parishes of the Vicariate III are: Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, San Fabian; Parish of St. Thomas Aquinas, Mangaldan; Parish of St. Joseph, the Patriach, Mapandan; Parish of St. Hyacinth, San Jacinto; Parish of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Manaoag and Parish of the Holy Cross, Laoac. The parishes take turn in hosting the annual celebration of the solemnity of Christ the King.

The new Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, Most Rev. Socrates B. Villegas, DD, was the main celebrant. The priests of the Vicariate con-celebrated with him. They priests who joined the celebration were: Fr. Rene E. Mendoza, Fr. Genaro Herramia, the Vicar Forane, Fr. Alvin Platon, Fr. Manuel Sayson, Fr. Jose Laforteza and Fr. Raymund Manaois.

Youth Camp and Vigil

The Vicariate III youth held a youth camp and vigil in celebration of the Christ the King. The youth camp was held in the afternoon of 21 November 2009. The overnight vigil started with a mass celebrated by Fr. Alvin Platon in the evening of Saturday, the eve of the solemnity of Christ the King. 

There were about 800 youth who participated in the camp and vigil. There were talks given by priests of the Vicariate in the afternoon of Saturday.

In the morning of Sunday, the youth went to some Barangays and joined some families in reading and sharing the Bible with them.

Procession and Benediction

The celebration began with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament by Archbishop Socrates Villegas. The Blessed Sacrament was then carried in the procession participated in by the hundreds of parishioners from the parishes of Vicariate III. The procession started at 2:00 PM.

The youth of the Vicariate joined the procession after an overnight vigil. The Honor Guards of the Knights of Columbus accompanied the Blessed Sacrament as it was being carried during the procession.

The statues of St. Fabian, the patron of the parish, and the Blessed Virgin Mary and the image of the Divine Mercy were also carried during the procession.

Msgr. Socrates Villegas and the priests took turn in carrying the monstrance. As the Blessed Sacrament was being carried in  the procession, the people were seen kneeling in adoration and thanksgiving.

The Benediction was given by Msgr. Socrates Villegas after the procession. Mayor Mojamito R. Libunao led the Consecration of Mankind to Christ the King.

Holy Eucharist

Msgr. Socrates Villegas  was the main presider of the Holy Mass. In his homily, Msgr. Socrates Villegas spoke about the meaning of the Sign of the Cross. He urged the people to make the sign of the cross as a sign of their dedication of their mind, their love and action to Christ the King.

Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the Parish Priest, thanked the parishioners of St. Fabian who not only welcomed the devotees to the parish but helped and supported the parish in making the celebration more meaningful. He expressed his gratitude also to the parishes of the Vicariate and to Msgr. Socrates B. Villegas, DD. He said, “Ang Parokya ng San Fabian, Papa at Martir, at ang buong Vicariate III ay nagpapasalamat po sa inyo, Father Soc, ang ating mahal na arsobispo. Alam namin ng kayo ay dumating dito sa Arkidiosis ng Lingayen-Dagupan ay handang-handang po kayo na paglingkuran at mahalin kami .… Kami po ay taos pusong nagsasabi din sa inyo na kami pong lahat ay handa rin po kaming mahalin kayo. At maging banal na ASIN sa Pangasinan!”

The Next Host: The Parish of St. Hyacinth

Fr. Genaro Herramia announced to the people that unless  the Vicariate celebration of Christ the King would not be held next year, the next host of the celebration of Vicariate III Christ the King is the Parish of St. Hyacinth, San Jacinto, Pangasinan.


To see more pictures of the celebration, please click HERE.

21 November 2009

Solemnity of Christ the King Schedule

22 November 2009, Sunday

  • 1:00 PM   Assembly at the Church Patio
  • 2:00 PM   Procession/Benediction

    1.    San Fabian PNI/Traffic Policemen
    2.    Longos Elementary School DLC
    3.    Cereales
    4.    Boy and Girl Scouts
    5.    Anonang Elementary School DLC
    6.    Vicariate Youth
    7.    Statue of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr
    8.    Holy Cross Parish, Laoac
    9.    Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Manaoag
    10.    Anonang National High School DLC
    11.    St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Mangaldan
    12.    St. Joseph Parish, Mapandan
    13.    San Fabian Integrated School DLC
    14.    Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    15.    St. Hyacinth Parish, San Jacinto
    16.    Archdiocesan School of San Fabian DLC
    17.    Knights of Columbus
    18.    Blessed Sacrament
    19.    Vicariate III Clergy
    20.    San Fabian Parish
    21.    San Fabian National High School DLC

  • 4:00 PM  Holy Mass
  • Most Rev. Socrates B. Villegas, DD
  • Main Celebrant

15 November 2009

Barangay Cayanga welcomes the Image of the Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary

San Fabian – 14 November 2009. It is the turn of Barangay Cayanga to welcome the image of the Divine Mercy and the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary as part of the Barangay Visitation Program of the parish. Barangay Cayanga hosted the Visitation from 7 – 14 November 2009. The images were received by them from Brgy. Longos Central.

The images were carried in a procession on the first day of the visitation around the barangay. Nightly vigils were scheduled, and different groups were on hand to keep vigil.

The Adult Formation seminar was held on 13 November 2009. The Farewell Mass was held on 14 November, Saturday with Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza as the celebrant. It was held at the yard of Sis. Aurea Ballesta.


To see more pictures of the Visitation in Brgy. Cayanga, please click HERE.

14 November 2009

Liturgical Greeters and Usherettes

usherrettes09 Liturgical Greeters and Usherettes of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr with Rev. Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, Parish Priest.

08 November 2009

Barangay Longos Central holds Visitation

San Fabian – 7 November 2009. The waters had receded and the mud had dried, weeks after the flood of 9 October 2009 submerged Barangay Longos Central. In an expression of gratitude and hope-filled trust in God’s Mercy, the residents of Longos Central welcomed the sacred images of the Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Adult Formation Seminar was held last 6 November from 5 pm to 9 pm; while the Youth Encounter was held from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon of the same week.

110720091841The sacred images stayed in the barangay for a week from 31 October to 7 November. The Farewell Liturgy was held after a week on 7 November 2009, Saturday. The mass was celebrated by Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the parish priest. A lone child received the sacrament of baptism. The participants of the Youth Encounter had their confession with Fr. Oliver.

The residents held a procession to bring the sacred images from Longos Central to Barangay Cayanga, the next host of the barangay visitation.


To see more pictures of the Barangay Visitation in Longos Central, please click HERE.

06 November 2009

Installation Pictures by Noli I. Yamsuan

More pictures of the Canonical Installation of the Most Rev. Socrates B. Villegas, DD as Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan (4 November 2009, 10:00 AM) at the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Dagupan City.

Taken from the website of the Archdiocese of Manila.
Photos by Noli I. Yamsuan.

Please click HERE.

05 November 2009

Salt of the Earth

Homily delivered by His Excellency, Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas on the occasion of his installation as Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, held last 4 November 2009 at the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist, Dagupan City at 10:00 am.

The ways of the Lord are mysterious and hard to comprehend. Eighteen years ago, before Archbishop Cruz was installed Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, Dagupan was hit by a severe earthquake that rendered the city in shambles and the old cathedral in ruins. This year, apparently in preparation for this momentous occasion, the Archdiocese was hit with massive flooding that rendered great havoc upon our flock. Our gathering of joy is mixed with sentiments of uncertainty about what lies ahead of Pangasinan. I know that faith of the Pangasinenses is strong and firm. I want to assure though: it is not Archbishops who cause disasters to happen!

The ways of the Lord are awesome and marvelous. He called me to be a priest and gave me a revolutionary Cardinal as my mentor and guide. My priesthood was born from the dawn of EDSA people power in 1986. My vocation was nurtured by the street revolutionaries of the EDSA shrine. Then the Church sent me on a mission to Bataan, famous for the Death March of the last world war. The long street from Mariveles and Bagac to San Fernando was sanctified by the glorious blood of the martyrs of the Second World War.

Today I begin my mission in Lingayen-Dagupan, the shadow of war still hovering over my priesthood because it was in Lingayen Gulf that the story of our liberation in 1945 began. The legendary General Douglas McArthur landed in Lingayen Gulf, waded through our waters to usher in a new day of freedom for our country. This province also carries in its history the revolutionary struggle of Andres Malong and the tyrannical reign of Limahong, a Chinese ruler. Lingayen Gulf is red with the blood of heroes.

With a deep sense of unworthiness and obedience to the Holy Father, Pope Bendict XVI, I accept the mission to be pastor of the Church in Lingayen-Dagupan. I am treading on the footsteps of a great man of the Church, an epic man who is himself larger than life, Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz. Archbishop Cruz is unique and irreplaceable. He was my first rector at San Carlos Seminary. I will only try to continue, using my very limited talents, the great work that he has left behind in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan.

Inararok ya totoo'y Dios: Agko amta no pano’y mansalita na salita yo dia. Ibangat yo ak kumon no bilbilang aliwa so pansalitak o panangibagak ed salita yo. Labay kon aralen so salita yo dia.

My dear people of God, I do not know how to speak the dialect. Please teach me. I am willing to learn. If I make a mistake in pronouncing, please correct.

I come to live in your midst not as a liberator like McArthur or a revolutionary like Andres Malong or a tyrant like Limahong. I come to you as Jesus came, the servant who called us to “salt of the earth and light of the world”. You can call me Father Soc. Please give me a chance to love you, to serve you.

We are the salt of the earth, the Lord said to us in the Gospel. Pangasinan was named after asin --- panag-asinan. We who form the Catholic faithful in Lingayen-Dagupan, living in the province that is named after salt, must truly be salt for society and salt for the rest of the world. Like ASIN, let us embark together on mission for social transformation and Church renewal.

A is for apostolic action nurtured by prayer. Our first and only power is the Lord and our first and only way to the Lord is love. We must pray but it is not enough to pray. Our prayer must make us think and talk and listen and act and be like Jesus --- that is the apostolic action that we need in the Church. Any pastoral action or assembly that does not come from prayer will fail. Any prayer that does not lead us to apostolic charity will wither. Love without service is mere sentimentalism. Service without prayer is social activism.

S is for sanctified and sanctifying community of disciples. United by baptism, united in prayer, united through charity, we will become saints together in Pangasinan. To be holy is our one and only vision. Everything and anything that leads us astray from this path must be cast aside. We are called to sanctify, to lead and to teach. We are here not by worthiness but by favor. None of us is worthy, we were just chosen in spite of. We do not sanctify ourselves; God does. We do not sanctify other; God does. We are a community not an organization. None of us is master; all of us are disciples.

I is for integration of faith and life. The Church is hurt not just by heresies against the truth. The Church is also damaged when the faith of her children are not matched by witnessing. We do not only share a common doctrine. We also share one common morality. What does it matter if we understand the mystery of the Trinity but do not live the love that binds the Trinity? The Church and her priests would be more credible prophet in society if the stomach of the preacher would be as empty as his parishioners. Brother priests, I bid you: Go preach the gospel. Talk if necessary. Pangasinan does not need teachers. Pangasinan needs witnesses. Fathers: Give us Jesus, only Jesus, always Jesus.

N is for new and intensive evangelization. Evangelization by its nature is confrontational. We cannot proclaim Jesus and waltz with corruption in public or in private. We cannot be rightly called Christians and play games with evil. Evangelization is a call to die. Evangelization demands conversion. Evangelization may not always be pleasant. It can hurt both preacher and hearer. It can make the hearer take revenge on the preacher. But evangelization is the only way for the Church. we would betray the Lord I we won’t. only the brave and the loyal can truly evangelize.

My brother priests – be the salt of the Church and society. By your ministry, may the people taste the goodness of the Lord. Be happy givers! Be holy priests by your courageous and generous self-sacrifice! Bawal and paring duwag! Bawal and paring kuripot! Show them the face of Jesus, the joy of the world! We need to pray together and we must be saints together! When the time comes for me to return to the Father and my name would be dropped from the Eucharistic prayer, I only want to be remembered as the bishop who loved you, my priests!

My dear Catholic laity – be the salt of Pangasinan. By your life in the family and your work in society, preserve – like salt – our heritage of hard work and diligence in northern Philippines. Preserve – like salt – the Catholic faith. Keep the faith alive and young, vibrant and loyal.

My dear children and youth, be the salt of earth. May your lives be clear like crystal salt, pure and fresh and always new. By our young and restive hearts, may we your elders find new inspiration. Your mission as Church youth is to inspire and to ignite.

My poor brothers and sisters from the far barangays, be the salt of the society. Even if sometimes, salt and rice is all we can eat, do not forget your dignity as children of God.

No anggano maminsan et asin tan belas labat so kakanen tayo, agtayo kumon lilingwanan so dignidad tayo a sakey ya anak na Dios.

As an expression of solidarity with the flood victims of Pangasinan now in need of help to start again, we will not have any lunch reception after our liturgy. The money that will be saved from your act of sacrifice will be used to help the poor of Pangasinan. This is not being kuripot. This is pakikipag-kapwa tao. This is charity. This is what God told us to do. I believe this is what Jesus would have done if he were in Dagupan.

My dear government officials, give us the salt of livelihood and honest public service. Spare the people from salty words of anger and malicious conduct that kill and destroy. Serve the people wit honesty. Serve the people well. We can work together for the people.

Pangasinan, bayang mayumi, asin ng pamayanan.
Bagong lasa and handog at sariwang kasiglahan.
Asin ka ng kabuhyana, nag-aalaga sakabataan
Pangasinan, aming Ina, aming mahal, aming hiran!

Dagupan and taguri, dating tawag “nandaragupan”
Dahil dito’y nagtipon and sari-saring katauhan
Lingayen naman ang tawag naming sa pusod na pinagmulan
Lagi naming gnililingon, tinatanaw na kagandahan.

Ang Diyos ay papurihan ng bayan ng Pangasinan,
Ipangaral ang Ebanhelyo sa Lingayen-Dagupan
Bawat bayan ay lumuhod at sa Diyos ay magpugay,
Ipagbunyi ang Pangasinan, ipagdangal ang Maykapal!

People of God in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, I am all yours. Take me as your own. I embrace you n ow as my very own. God has given u each other. Let us give ourselves to the Lord. Amen.

04 November 2009

Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas installed as the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan

Dagupan City – 4 November 2009. In solemn rites, Msgr. Socrates Buenaventura Villegas was installed as the Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan at 10:00 AM at the St. John the Evangelist Parish Church, Dagupan City. The Canonical Installation was attended by 70 arch/bishops, and more than 350 priests coming from different arch/dioceses of the country, and participated in by more than 3,000 guest and visitors coming from Bataan where Msgr. Socrates B. Villegas served as bishop prior to his appointment as archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, and by visitors coming from Manila and nearby provinces.

Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales and Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal also attended the canonical installation. The Papal Nuncio to the Philippines Archbishop Edward Joseph Adams formally installed the new archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan. Msgr. Rafael S. Magno, Jr, the Chancellor, read the message of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.

The newly appointed archbishop was received by Msgr. Renato P. Mayugba, DD, the Auxiliary of Lingayen-Dagupan during the Rite of Reception.

Archbishop Socrates Villegas was ordained priest by then Manila Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin in October 5, 1985. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Manila in July 25, 2001, and ordained Bishop and Titular of Nona in August 31, 2001. He was appointed Bishop of Balanga (Bataan) in May 3, 2004 and installed in July 3, 2004.

On 8 September 2009, Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation of Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, DD as archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan and appointed Bishop Socrates B. Villegas as Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan.

Photo0110Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas, DD with the clergy of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan immediately after the canonical installation of Archbishop Soc.

01 November 2009

Longos Parac-Parac goes out for the Barangay Visitation

31 October 2009 – San Fabian. Barangay Longos Parac-Parac is the host of this week’s Barangay Visitation of the images of the Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary. It stayed in the barangay for one week, from 24-31 October 2009. On the last day, the whole barangay went out for the farewell mass and the procession.

It was one of the biggest gatherings for the weekly Barangay Visitation. After the mass, there were 39 children who received the Sacrament of Baptism. There was one couple who received the sacrament of Matrimony.

Longos Parac-Parac has no chapel. The regular monthly mass is celebrated at the Day Care center. The barangay is considered one of the more depressed areas in San Fabian. During the last typhoon that inundated San Fabian, Longos Parac-Parac was one of the barangays that was heavily flooded.

Included in the visitation is Longos Amangunan which is a sitio of Longos Parac-Parac.

The sacred images were placed at the stage of the barangay where a makeshift shelter was built.

The procession brought the sacred images to the next barangay, Longos Central.


To see more pictures of the Barangay Visitation in Longos Parac-Parac, kindly click HERE.