29 August 2012

Vicariate Biblical Apostolate: BBS and BFS held in San Fabian Parish

27 August 2012 – San Fabian, Pangasinan. The Vicariate of St. Thomas photo(24)Aquinas Biblical Apostolate recently held two basic seminars pertaining to its programs in the Biblical Apostolate: the Basic Bible Seminar and the Basic Facilitators’ Seminar. It was attended by the different Biblical Coordinators of the parishes of the vicariate. The Basic Bible Seminar (BBS) was held last 11-12 August. The Basic Facilitators Seminar (BFS) was held on 25-26 August 2012. The seminars were conducted by the Archdiocesan Biblical Apostolate. Sis. Silvana M. de Vera gave the Basic Facilitators Seminar.

Biblical Apostolate of the Vicariate of St Thomas Aquinas

Rev. Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza, the Vicariate BA Director, encouraged the participants during the two seminars. “The Biblical Apostolate will provide skills and the needed coordination with the different parishes of the vicariate to achieve our goals”, he said.

The Biblical Apostolate has the following goals:  The widespread distribution of Bibles, in Pangasinan and other languages, to the Christian faithful of Pangasinan. photo(21)The study, understanding and use of the Bible among Catholic clergy and Christian faithful who are active in the ministry of the Word through various  seminars and formations, like: the Basic Bible Seminar (BBS), Bible Orientation Seminars, Core Team Formations, Trainers’ Training Seminars, Biblical Institutes, Bible Youth Camps, Bibliodrama Workshops, Recollections, Retreats and many more and the the promotion of the Lay Ministries of the Word that “will be able effectively to provide the nourishment of the Scriptures for the People of God” (DV 23).

BBS and BFS in the parishes

photo(23)After the seminars, the Vicariate Team will go to the different parishes to give the BS and the BFS. The Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish in David, Pangasinan will be the first parish to be given the  seminars to their parish biblical team. It is hoped that each parish in the vicariate shall have their own biblical team who will be equipped in giving the Basic Bible Seminars and the Basic Facilitators Seminar. Bro. Bert Doria is the Vicariate Biblical Apostolate Coordinator.

The Vicariate of St. Thomas Aquinas has 7 parishes: St. Thomas Aquinas in Mangaldan, Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Brgy. David, Mangaldan, St. Joseph Parish, Mapandan, St. Hyacinth in San Jacinto, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Manaoag, Holy Cross in Laoac and St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr in San Fabian.



14 August 2012

Parish Pilgrimage to the Poor Clare Monastery of Saint James the Apostle

11 August 2012 – Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Parishioners of the Parish of San Fabian, Pope and Martyr, went on a pilgrimage to the Poor Clare poorclare.1.bs.jpgMonastery of Saint James the Apostle in Nancapian, Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza and Fr. Mario R. Morales led the pilgrimage. The Poor Clares were celebrating feast day of their foundress, St. Clare.

800th Anniversary of St. Clare’s Consecration

Eight centuries ago this year, St. Clare of Assisi consecrated herself to God before her holy mentor, St. Francis. 

Clare Offreduccio grew up in Assisi, a small agricultural town in central Italy, at the beginning of the 13th century. Hers was a family of noble landowners. She was about 12 when the young man Francis Bernardone publicly renounced his father and his family wealth in the Assisi town square, choosing instead to follow Christ radically.

The decisive moment of her life came on Palm Sunday in 1212, when Clare was 18. After observing the holy day with her family, she sneaked out of her house at night and hurried to the little poorclare.2.bs.jpgchurch of St. Mary of the Portiuncula. Several friars waited with torches and led her into the church. Inside, she presented herself formally to Francis, who cut her hair in a rite of tonsure, symbolizing her renunciation of the world and consecration to God.

Pope Benedict XVI wrote in his letter marking the Year of Clare, “The story of Clare, together with that of Francis, is an invitation to reflect on the meaning of existence and to seek in God the secret of true joy. It is a concrete proof that those who do the Lord’s will and confide in him not alone do not lose anything, but find the real treasure that is able to confer meaning on everything.”

First and Only Monastery in ALD

The Poor Clare Monastery of Saint James the Apostle located at Brgy. Nancapian, Malasiqui, Pangasinan was inaugurated on January 21, 2012.

The said monastery now  serves as the house of four religious contemplative nuns who pray for the sanctification of priests and to offer their hidden sacrifices to sustain the church mission for the world.

“This monastery is the powerhouse of (our active ministry in) the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan,” Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas said referring to the Poor Clare Monastery of St. James the Apostle, the first and the only monastery in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan.

Mass of Thanksgiving

The mass was celebrated by Fr. Oliver E Mendoza, Team Moderator, with Fr. Mario R. Morales, Team Member of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr.



Rev. Fr. Oliver E. Mendoza and Rev. Fr. Mario R. Morales

poorclare.3.bs.jpgSome Members of the Knights of Columbus, San Fabian Council 5739









Photos, courtesy of Bro. Bernie Solis and Sis. Violeta Omiles.

02 August 2012

Ulopan para Bokasyon (UPB)

Archbishop Socrates B. Villegas during the mass for the groundbreaking ceremonies of the construction of the new Mary Help of Christians Theology Seminary to be built in San Fabian, said in his homily, “Why do aldclergywe need priests? We need priests because we need Jesus.”

The Ulopan para Bokasyon (UPB) is a movement and an association of the parishioners of the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, which believes that every vocation to the priesthood and the religious life is not just a personal and an individual vocation of the the one called by God, but also a communal vocation of the whole parish.

Blessed Pope John Paul II in his address during the 2005 World Day of Prayer for Vocations,  said, "Young people need Christ, but they also know that Christ chose to be in need of them.”

Vocations to the priesthood is a challenge offered by God to the young people; a challenge which calls for them to accept God’s need for them to become His priests.

This calling happens in the family and in the parish community of the one called. The growth, nourishment and fulfillment of this calling will happen with the personal response of the young man called, and the communal acceptance of the parish of this special vocation.

It is in this belief that the Ulopan para Bokasyon (UPB) is established in the Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, as a venue and a movement  to fulfill these noble objectives: to pray for, promote and support vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.

Prayer. Pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. Jesus says in Matthew 9:38 “to beg the master of the harvest to send laborers into the vineyard.” If we want more priests, sisters and brothers, we all need to ask and pray to God.

Promotion. The parish must take an active attitude in the promotion of vocations which should involve not only a few but the whole parish community.

Teach young people how to pray. Pope Benedict XVI said that unless we teach our youth how to pray, they will never hear God calling them into a deeper relationship with Him and into the discipleship of the Church.

Invite active young adults and teens to consider a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life. A simple, sincere comment should not be underestimated. An easy way to do this can be remembered by four letters: ICNU. “Juan, I see in you (ICNU) the qualities that would make a good priest, and I want to encourage you to pray about it.” It is a non-invasive way to encourage openness to a religious vocation. Don’t hesitate to ask your child, or your apo if he wants to become a priest!

Make it attractive. Show the priesthood for what it truly is – a call to be a spiritual father to the whole family of faith. Similarly, the consecrated life for a young woman is a call to be united to Christ in a unique way, and to be a spiritual mother to those she encounters in her life and service. The challenge for priests and religious is to be joyful models of their vocations.

Preach it, kaaro! Vocations must be talked about regularly if a “vocation culture” is to take root in parishes and homes. This means, first and foremost, the people need to hear about vocations from priests through homilies, prayers of the faithful, and discussions in the classroom. You are encouraged to talk among your barkadas,  in your families, in your groups and associations. Vocations kept out of sight are out of mind.

Support. The vocation to the priesthood is also a communal vocation that needs the heart, the time and the treasure of all parishioners. Financial support to our seminarians is an obligation, not an option, of the parish. A monthly P20.00 given from the heart,  wholeheartedly, and  done with regularity will certainly help a seminarian become a priest!

The Parish Launching of the UPB

The Parish of St. Fabian, Pope and Martyr, is asking the parishioners to become a part of the Ulopan para Bokasyon (UPB) to pray, promote and support the vocations to the priesthood. The UPB will be launched on 12 August 2012.

UPB Pledge of CommitmentParishioners will be asked to take one UPB ID Pledge of Commitment, and sign his or her name in the Book of the Ulopan para Bokasyon (UPB), providing the address, contact numbers and the amount pledged to be given on a monthly basis.

The members of the family are encouraged to take one Pledge of Commitment each.

The Pledge of Commitment asks also the UPB member to pray everyday the Prayer for Vocations by Blessed Pope John Paul II.

The pledged amount is to be given to the parish office every month. A receipt shall be given to the UPB donor.