
31 January 2011

CBCP Statement: Choosing Life, Rejecting the RH Bill

(A Pastoral Letter of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines)

Our Filipino Brothers and Sisters:

The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights (Art. II, Section 11). The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception (Art. II, Section 12).


We begin by citing the Philippine Constitution. We do so because we intend to write you on the basis of the fundamental ideals and aspirations of the Filipino people and not on the basis of specifically Catholic religious teachings.

We are at a crossroads as a nation. Before us are several versions of a proposed bill, the Reproductive Health bill or sanitized as a Responsible Parenthood bill. This proposed bill in all its versions calls us to make a moral choice: to choose life or to choose death.

At the outset we thank the government for affording us an opportunity to express our views in friendly dialogue. Sadly our dialogue has simply revealed how far apart our respective positions are. Therefore, instead of building false hopes, we wish at the present time to draw up clearly what we object to and what we stand for.

Moral Choices at the Crossroads -- at EDSA I and Now

Twenty five years ago in 1986 we Catholic Bishops made a prophetic moral judgment on political leadership. With this prophetic declaration we believe that we somehow significantly helped open the door for EDSA I and a window of political integrity.

Today we come to a new national crossroads and we now have to make a similar moral choice. Our President rallied the country with the election cry, “Kung walang corrupt walang mahirap.” As religious leaders we believe that there is a greater form of corruption, namely, moral corruption which is really the root of all corruption. On the present issue, it would be morally corrupt to disregard the moral implications of the RH bill.

This is our unanimous collective moral judgment: We strongly reject the RH bill.

Commonly Shared Human and Cultural Values – Two Fundamental Principles

Far from being simply a Catholic issue, the RH bill is a major attack on authentic human values and on Filipino cultural values regarding human life that all of us have cherished since time immemorial.

Simply stated the RH Bill does not respect moral sense that is central to Filipino cultures. It is the product of the spirit of this world, a secularist, materialistic spirit that considers morality as a set of teachings from which one can choose, according to the spirit of the age. Some it accepts, others it does not accept. Unfortunately, we see the subtle spread of this post-modern spirit in our own Filipino society.

Our position stands firmly on two of the core principles commonly shared by all who believe in God:

(1) Human life is the most sacred physical gift with which God, the author of life, endows a human being. Placing artificial obstacles to prevent human life from being formed and being born most certainly contradicts this fundamental truth of human life. In the light of the widespread influence of the post-modern spirit in our world, we consider this position as nothing less than prophetic. As religious leaders we must proclaim this truth fearlessly in season and out of season.

(2) It is parents, cooperating with God, who bring children into the world. It is also they who have the primary inalienable right and responsibility to nurture them, care for them, and educate them that they might grow as mature persons according to the will of the Creator.

What We Specifically Object to in the RH Bill

Advocates contend that the RH bill promotes reproductive health. The RH Bill certainly does not. It does not protect the health of the sacred human life that is being formed or born. The very name “contraceptive” already reveals the anti-life nature of the means that the RH bill promotes. These artificial means are fatal to human life, either preventing it from fruition or actually destroying it. Moreover, scientists have known for a long time that contraceptives may cause cancer. Contraceptives are hazardous to a woman’s health.

Advocates also say that the RH bill will reduce abortion rates. But many scientific analysts themselves wonder why prevalent contraceptive use sometimes raises the abortion rate. In truth, contraceptives provide a false sense of security that takes away the inhibition to sexual activity. Scientists have noted numerous cases of contraceptive failure. Abortion is resorted to, an act that all religious traditions would judge as sinful. “Safe sex” to diminish abortion rate is false propaganda.

Advocates moreover say that the RH bill will prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. This goes against the grain of many available scientific data. In some countries where condom use is prevalent, HIV/ AIDS continues to spread. Condoms provide a false security that strongly entices individuals towards increased sexual activity, increasing likewise the incidence of HIV/AIDS. “Safe sex” to prevent HIV /AIDS is false propaganda.

Advocates also assert that the RH Bill empowers women with ownership of their own bodies. This is in line with the post-modern spirit declaring that women have power over their own bodies without the dictation of any religion. How misguided this so-called “new truth” is! For, indeed, as created by God our bodies are given to us to keep and nourish. We are stewards of our own bodies and we must follow God’s will on this matter according to an informed and right conscience. Such a conscience must certainly be enlightened and guided by religious and moral teachings provided by various religious and cultural traditions regarding the fundamental dignity and worth of human life.

Advocates also say that the RH bill is necessary to stop overpopulation and to escape from poverty. Our own government statistical office has concluded that there is no overpopulation in the Philippines but only the over-concentration of population in a number of urban centers. Despite other findings to the contrary, we must also consider the findings of a significant group of renowned economic scholars, including economic Nobel laureates, who have found no direct correlation between population and poverty. In fact, many Filipino scholars have concluded that population is not the cause of our poverty. The causes of our poverty are: flawed philosophies of development, misguided economic policies, greed, corruption, social inequities, lack of access to education, poor economic and social services, poor infrastructures, etc. World organizations estimate that in our country more than P400 billion pesos are lost yearly to corruption. The conclusion is unavoidable: for our country to escape from poverty, we have to address the real causes of poverty and not population.

In the light of the above, we express our clear objections:

1. We object to the non-consideration of moral principles, the bedrock of law, in legislative discussions of bills that are intended for the good of individuals and for the common good.

2. We are against the anti-life, anti-natal and contraceptive mentality that is reflected in media and in some proposed legislative bills.
3. We object strongly to efforts at railroading the passage of the RH bill.

4. We denounce the over-all trajectory of the RH bill towards population control.

5. We denounce the use of public funds for contraceptives and sterilization.

6. We condemn compulsory sex education that would effectively let parents abdicate their primary role of educating their own children, especially in an area of life – sexuality – which is a sacred gift of God.

What We Stand For

On this matter of proposed RH bills, these are our firm convictions:

1. We are deeply concerned about the plight of the many poor, especially of suffering women, who are struggling for a better life and who must seek it outside of our country, or have recourse to a livelihood less than decent.

2. We are pro-life. We must defend human life from the moment of conception or fertilization up to its natural end.

3. We believe in the responsible and natural regulation of births through Natural Family Planning for which character building is necessary which involves sacrifice, discipline and respect for the dignity of the spouse.

4. We believe that we are only stewards of our own bodies. Responsibility over our own bodies must follow the will of God who speaks to us through conscience.

5. We hold that on the choices related to the RH bill, conscience must not only be informed but most of all rightly guided through the teachings of one’s faith.

6. We believe in the freedom of religion and the right of conscientious objection in matters that are contrary to one’s faith. The sanctions and penalties embodied in the proposed RH bill are one more reason for us to denounce it.

Our Calls

As religious leaders we have deeply and prayerfully reflected on this burning issue. We have unanimously made the moral judgment – to reject the RH agenda and to choose life.

1. We call for a fundamental transformation of our attitudes and behavior towards all human life especially the most defenseless, namely, human life being formed or being conceived. The cheapness with which many seem to consider human life is a great bane to our religious-oriented nation.

2. We call upon our legislators to consider the RH bill in the light of the God-given dignity and worth of human life and, therefore, to shelve it completely as contrary to our ideals and aspirations as a people. We thank our legislators who have filed bills to defend human life from the moment of conception and call upon all other legislators to join their ranks.

3. We thank the great multitude of lay people all over the country, and particularly the dedicated groups who made their presence felt in the halls of Congress, to defend and promote our position. We call upon other lay people and adherents of other religions to join the advocacy to defend and promote our commonly shared ideals and aspirations.

4. We call on our government to address effectively the real causes of poverty such as corruption, lack of social and economic services, lack of access to education and the benefits of development, social inequities.

5. We call for the establishment of more hospitals and clinics in the rural areas, the deployment of more health personnel to provide more access to health services, the building of more schools, the provision of more aid to the poor for education, and the building of more and better infrastructures necessary for development.

6. We echo the challenge we prophetically uttered 25 years ago at EDSA I and call upon all people of good will who share our conviction: “…let us pray together, reason together, decide together, act together, always to the end that the truth prevail” over the many threats to human life and to our shared human and cultural values.

We commend our efforts against the RH bill (or the Responsible Parenthood bill – its new name) to the blessing of our almighty and loving God, from whom all life comes and for whom it is destined.

For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.

Bishop of Tandag
President, CBCP
January 30, 2011

29 January 2011

4th Sunday Ordinary Time (A): Pangasinan Reflection


Say Kagnapan na Bilay

Diad say ibanghilyo nangelan tayo so BEATITUDES, odino no siopa ra so bibirbiren na Katawan ya “maliket”, “mapalar”. Tan sarayan beatitudes et ibabangat dad sikatayo no anto so twa, peteg tan nagnap a panagbilay.

Diad sarayan waloran beatitudes, nampapara no panon iran inbalikas na Katawan. Unaan, inggapo na Katawan na “ MALIKET IRAY …” (Blessed are..) insan, bitlaen na Katawan so specific ya kipapasen ed bilay, kairapan odino suffering. “Maliket iray mairap bilay… Maliket iray maneermen… Maliket iray mapa-abeba…

Diad Biblia, say salitan “BLESSED” et mangibabalikas na KAGNAPAN na BILAY odino FULLNESS of life. No say sakey et walad sikato so kagnapan na bilay, anggapo la so nakaukolan to, walay mabiskeg tan stable ya kipapasen tod bilay, ya anggapo so makatenyeg tan makaderal ed saya.

Sirin, lapud sayan FULLNESS of life, walay liket a manlalapud sayan kipapasen: liket ya ag-natenyeg na anggan anton kairapan, bagyo na bilay so onsabi!

Iner tayo naalmo yan liket sirin?

Unaan, awaten so sayan katwaan ed bilay tayo diad mundo: say bilay tayod mundo et ag magmaliw a singa walad tawen. Ta diad mundo, tan unong ed inagew-agew ya panagbilay tayo, et walan-wala so experiences tayo na hunger o kaerasan, humiliation, kaermenan, tukso o temptation, injustice --- Kanian, say tepet tayo: nagamuran tayo ni kasi so sayan kagnapan na bilay sayan Blessedness ya ibabaga na Katawan?

Lapud sayan experiences tayod mundo, malinew ya anggaman walay liket ya nalilikna tayo no walad sikatayo so masasamit tan agnasabsabaan ya panangan, no walay baleg tan comfortable ya abong, dakerakel ya kayamanan tan maong a panagbilay, walay power, fame tan praise, LAPUD say panlalapuan to et say iiter na mundo ya ag manbayag tan nabalang lan lamang, say liket ya bunga to ya et agmet manbayag tan nabalang, natenyeg iya na takot, nabalang iya na imon tan inka-agom.

No naupot tayo la so kanen, tan naksel tayo la, tan sikatayo la so maliket, onsabi lan lamang so kaerasan lamet. No masyadoy liket tayo ed say balon cellphone tayo, tan saya so panlikliketan ya maong, ag mabayag, walay balon modelo ya naneng-neng, tan samay cellphone tayo et nagmaliw lan daan, tan aderal ingen, asikmat so liket, tan mananap tayo lamet ya maka-satisfy na need tayo pian maliket tayo lamet.

No diad aliwan pasen so panaanapan tayo no kagnapan a liket o blessedness, agtayo naalmo so twa tan nagnap ya liket --- tan say bilay tayo et naderal lan lamang.

Panon tayon talusan sirin so BLESSEDNESS ya ibabaga na Katawan ya walad saray mairap bilay, saray maneermen, saray mapa-abeba, saray mapangasi, saray maanos ya awaten so kairapan para say katunongan, tan saray mankikimey para kareenan?

No anggapo ed sikatayo si Kristo, antoy kakanaan na bilay? No anggapo ed sikatayo si Kristo, anto so kabaliksan na kairapan tayo? No anggapo ed sikatayo si Kristo, anto so kabaliksan na kaermenan tayo? No anggapo ed sikatayo si Kristo, anto so kakanaan na kayaman na mundo, ta abalang met manaya so kamarerwa tayo?

Say kagnapan na bilay, the fullness of life, the blessedness of life, so naalmo labat no wala tayod sayakop tan panangasi na Katawan. Maliket iray mairap bilay ya kaiba ra si Kristo… Maliket iray walad kaermenan ya kalakap day Kristo … Maliket iray mapa-abeba ya walay talek dad si Kristo… ta kayaryan day panarian na tawen. Ta napinengnengan day Dios…

We are blessed aliwan lapud mayaman tayo no ingen lapud kaiba tayo si Kristo. We are blessed anggaman mairap tayo basta manmamatalek tayod si Kristo. We are blessed anggaman manterter so lua tayod ermen, lapud say manpoponas na lua tayo et si Kristo. We are blessed because of Christ. Ontan pa komon. Amen.

22 January 2011

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A): Pangasinan Reflection–Say Bokasyon

“Tombuk kayod siak, ta gawaen ta kayon sumisigay na too.” Amin tayo et walay tawag na Katawan ed sikatayo. Tan amin tayo et tatawagen na Katawan ya ontumbok ed sikato. Anggaman say too et nalingwanan to so Dios odino ingen benegan to so Dios, say Katawan ag ontotunda ya manatawag ed sikatayo ya onalad sikato, pian naalmo to so bilay tan say ligliwa. Sikato ya so tawag tayon amin.

Sikato ya unaan ya tawag na Katawan ed sikatayo nen sikatayo so abinyagan. Balet, wala ra met so akaawat na kumadwan tawag ed say Katawan. Atawag ira ya manlingkur ed niduman pamaakaran ya manlinkur ed say Dios tan say Simbaan to.

Say Dios manatawag na lalakin manpari, tan bibiin tan lalaki met ya manbilay ya sakey ya madre tan brother. Akin et special o niduman tawag ya ed samay unaan ya tawag na Dios nen sikatayo so abinyagan? Ta lapud, aliwan amin et natatawag na Dios ya magmaliw ya pari odino madre. Tan akin et kumadwan tawag iya? Ta diad samay unaan a tawag, amin tayo et atawag ya magmaliw ya disipulo na Katawan; amin et atawag ya ontumbok ed si Kristo; amin et atawag ya magmaliw a santo tan manbilay a singa santo. Balet, wala ra ed sikatayo so atawag ya niduman panag-bilay na poverty, obedience tan celibacy. Say tawag ed sikara et singa tawag na Katawan ed si Pedro tan si Andres, si Juan tan si Santiago. Taynan da so antokaman ya plano dan personal tan iter tay matwan panagtalek dad say Katawan. Sayan tawag et say tawag na inkapari.

Nen fiesta tayo, kinmerew si Archbishop Soc ed siktayo ran taga San Fabian. Say kuanda, “Onkerew ak na regalo a manlapud sikayo. Komon, diad San Fabian, walay anggan sakey ya naibaki ya manaral na inkapari. Tan tinaon-taon wala sakey ya lanang ya onloob ed seminario.”

Walay akapangiba ya say bokasyon na inkapari et mabolaslas ed simbaan ya apano-panon parokiano ya mimimisa tan mandarasal. Diad simbaan, agtayo nakukulangan ya totoon mimimisa. Kanian, say bokel na bokasyon ed inkapari so naitanem lad kapegleyan tayo. Aalagaren labay na Katawan so ebat tayo.

Anto sirin so gawaen tayo? Unaan, mandasal tayo para say bokasyon ed inkapari. Inagew-agew, antes tayon mandasal na chaplet, dadasalen tayo so “Prayer for Vocations”. Diad personal ya intention yo so sikayo so manpipikasi, agyo lilingwanan ya itekep so dasal para say bokasyon. Kumadwa, invite and encourage. Atateng: agkayo natatakot ya tepeten iray anak yo no labay da so man-pari.  Encourage yo ra; agkayo komon so rason no akin et agda labay so man-pari. Tandaan yo: maliket irayan anak yo ed bilay da no say linawa na Dios so anapen tan tooren da, aliwan say linawa tan labay yo. Kumatlo, pabiskegen tan paletan so aroan, panag-dasal tan pankakasakey na pamilya. Saray dakel ya panlalapoan na bokasyon et saray pasen ya walay solid families da, ya saray anak et nanaaro ra, tan kabat da so kabaliksan na commitment. Sarayan pasen et mandarasal tan mangiiter na galang tan dayew ed say Katawan.

Agtayo natatakot. Manmatalek tayo ed say panangasi tan panangaro na Katawan. Sakey ya balbaleg ya bendision tan grasya ya say sakey ya pamilya et wala so bokasyon ya nitanem. binmolaslas tan nanbunga a sakey a pari.

“Tombuk kayod siak, ta gawaen ta kayon sumisigay na too.” Komon, wala ray makangel ed sayan tawag; awaten da, tan tumboken da. Kaiba tayo ra. Antabayan tayo ra. Ontan pa komon. Amen.

21 January 2011

BA-ALD spearheads National Bible Week 2011 Celebration

21 January 2011 – Dagupan City. The Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan celebrates the National Bible Week this year with the “i-proclaim” to be held at the CSI Mall on January 23 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 

The Biblical Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan is spearheading the celebration. National Bible Week is celebrated on 23-30 January 2011.

The Philippines began celebrating National Bible Week and National Bible Sunday annually after President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed Presidential Proclamation no. 1923 on October 27, 1979 in recognition of the Bible "as an excellent source of principles for the development of moral and personal discipline." Celebration of NBW every last week of January was re-emphasized by President CANON dec09 384Corazon Aquino's Proclamation no. 44 in 1986. This was later followed up by President Fidel Ramos' PP 1067 which recognized that "national attention be focused on the importance of reading and studying the Bible, in building the spiritual, moral, and social fiber of our citizenry.

The “i-proclaim” is a public reading of the Bible intended to raise the profile of the Bible in the community and encourage people to rediscover the richness and relevance o God’s Word. It is a continuous reading of the Bible by different persons assigned to read a part of the Bible. The book to be read during the “i-proclaim” is the Book of the Gospel of John. Different Christian churches will participate in the continuous reading using the MTBO Tagalog version “Ang Mabuting Balita” . The Gospel of John has twenty one chapters.

The celebration will start with the Enthronement of the Bible. Msgr. Renato P. Mayugba, DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, willNational Bible Week 2011 in ALD welcome the participants and delegates from the different Christian churches of Pangasinan. Ms. Silvana M. de Vera, the Chairperson of the “i-proclaim” will explain the significance and procedures of the celebration.
The following will take part in the continuous reading of the Gospel of John: The Roman Catholic Church, Church in Dagupan, Victory Christian Church, Chinese Baptist Church, Iglesia Filipina Indendiente (IFI), United Church of Christ of the Philippines (UCCP), United Methodist Church (UMC), International Heritage Baptist Church. The Business Sector will read one chapter. The Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen choir and the different choirs of the Christian Churches will sing during the intermission of the reading.

i-Proclaim! is patterned after the Canadian Bible Society’s Proclamation which began in Quebec, Canada. Over 200 readers came together in 1995 to read the Holy Scriptures in 12 different languages. The “i-Proclaim” is an historic,ecumenical, public oral reading of the Bible that seeks to draw Filipinos together during these trying times, under the banner of God’s Word. i-Proclaim! also offers a unique opportunity to support the May They Be One Bible Campaign which seeks to produce and distribute 5 million Bibles to 5 million poor Filipino families within the next 5 years.

18 January 2011

Sto. Nino: Pangasinan Reflection

Say Sto. Nino so popular ya maong para saray Filipino. Naalmo so nanduroman imahen na Sto. Nino ed amin lawarin pasen diad Pilipinas. Diad say typical ya abong na Filipino, balbaleg man odino melag ya barong-baro, say unaan ya onabet ed abong et say imahen na Sto. Nino. Wadman so Sto. Nino et
kuarto, diad tagey na refrigerator, kaabay na TV, asingger ed dalikan, kaabay nen Buddha, no maminsan. Aminsan, nen nanblessing ak ed sakey ya abong, masyadoy imis ko nen aneng-neng koy imahen na Sto. Nino ya pinegley na picture nen sexy Marian Rivera tan saray Sex Bomb dancers!

Akin kasi et popular ya among so Sto Nino para saray Filipinos? Walay mangibabaga ya mahilig tayo kuno ed saray cute: cute ya sapatos, cute ya tsinelas, cute ya kawes, cute ya abong, cute ya asawa … tan cute met ya Dios? Say Sto. Nino et cute met. Ibabaga arum ya mahilig so Filipinos ed ogogaw. Tan say ogaw so sentro tan ligligliwa na pamilya! Laba-labay tayon neng-nengen si Jesus ya sakey ya ogaw. Sakey ya Nino.
Amta tayo balet ya say Sto. Nino, say Nino Jesus so ag nanbayag ya ogaw; si Jesus so binmaleg, tinmakken. Tan say Nino Jesus ya cute, et asabi, diad intakken to, si Jesus so inpasak ed krus. Si Jesus ya akapasak ed krus et si Nino Jesus ya binmaleg tan tinmakken.

Diad ipipikasi tayo ed say Sto. Nino, agaylay inomay tayon onkerew: ta lapud agaylay inomay so onkerew ed say ogaw. Ontan lan asing-singer so linawa tayo ed say ogaw, tan diad Sto. Nino. Say dasal tayo et dasal na pikakekerew: makapasa ed exam… makalmoy trabaho … onaliguas so bilay … makalmoy asawa…
Diad italimokor tayo ed si Jesus ya walad krus, anggaman dakerakel ni so kerew tayo, say katekep na dasal tayo et dasal na pangapapawi: say panamerdona na Katawan unong ed say panangasi to.
Ta say Nino Jesus et binmaleg, tan tinmakken: tan say Katawan so onkekerew natan ed sikatayo -- Jesus demands obedience from us. Tan say kerew na Katawan: sakbaten so krus, aroen so kalaban, perdonaen so katulangan, aroen so malabir ya kaabay. Si Kristo ya mataken et labay ton sikato so manari na bilay tayo.
Ontan lan so pananisia tan say relasyon tayo ed say Dios. Ag mansampot so pananisia tayo ed say Sto. Nino, cute ya ogaw, a singa agaylay inomay ya aroen ta anggapo so kekerewen ton mairap ya iter ed sikatayo. No ingen say pananisia tayo et komon mas araldalem lapud walay pan-onor tayo ed saray ganggan na Katawan ed sikatayo: ganggan na panangaro, ganggan na panamerdona, ganggan na magmaliw a mapangasi, ganggan ya aroen ya amin, anggan saray manbobosol ed sikatayo.

Say tepet: diad say dibosyon tayo ed Sto. Nino, onbabaleg met kasi so pananisia tayo? Mabolos tayo kasin tooren so Dios, ya anggad tagey na krus? Walay araldalem ya panagmatalek tayo ed say Dios? Ontan pa komon. Amen.

08 January 2011

Baptism of the Lord: Pangasinan Reflection

Diad silibrasyon na Fiesta na say Binyag na Katawan, makabaliksan no motektek tayo so binyag ya naawat tayo nen saman. Say pakaawat tayo na sakraminto na binyag so sankarakepan ya agawa ed bilay tayo. Ta lapud sayan sakraminto, sikatayo so niyanak lamet et danum tan Isipirito Santo: nagmaliw tayon anak na Dios. Lapud kasalanan a tawir, amin ya niaanak ed si Adan so nianak ed say kasalanan a tawir. Diad say kasalanan di Adan, amin tayo sirin so makalikna na ipatey na laman tan kamarerwa, niarawi ya andi-anggaan ed say kiwawala na Dios! Balet diad binyag, amin iraya et naandi! Alinisan so kamarerwa tayo na kasalanan a tawir odino original sin, tan amin ya epekto to yan kasalanan! Kanian, nagmaliw tayo lan anak na liwawa, aliwa lan anak na kabilongetan.

Say toon abinyagan sirin so makaawat a balon puso tan balon ispirito: say daan a puso tan ispirito so inatey diad say Sakraminto na Binyag. Inter na Dios met ed sikatayo so Ispirito Santo pian diad sayan balong puso tan ispirito tayo et mansiansian matoor tayo ed say linawa na Dios. Say aglabat apasimbalo ed sayan sakraminto et say laman tan say inclination tayod kasalanan! Say laman tayo so mansiansia gogoyoren to itayo ed say kaugsan. Kanian, wadtan la so lawas ya laban na kaugsan na inclination na laman tan say biskeg na spiritual na balon puso tan bilay tayo!

Diad sakraminto na Binyag, sikatayo so nagmaliw a balon pinalsa na Dios! Sikatayo so niyanak lamet: born-again! Tan sayan inkianak tayo na danum tan ispirito et maninsan labat, tan sikatayo la so akaawat na tanda ya ag-naekal: tanda ya sikatayo so kayaryan na Dios, tan kabiangan la na say Simbaan to. No manpabinyag kayo lamet ed sananey ya simbaan, sirin inwaklit yo so Simbaan, tan sayan tanda ya inter na Dios ed sikayo. Agko amta la so tawag ed sikayo no gawaen yo ya, balet imposible kayon born-again lamet ta sikayo la nen abinyagan, et peteg tan twan born-again la!

Diad silibrasyon na sayan sakraminto, wala ra so simbolon mangiiter na sayan peteg tan twan katwaan ya naawat tayo:

Say danum: Malinis tan malinew ya danum so usaren ya pankalbo lapud saya so simbolo na “panoras” na dutak na kasalanan, tan manlinis na kamarerwa ed say kasalanan a tawir.

Say ngaran tayo.Samay baptismal name tayo so awi-awit tayo legan tayon manbibilay diad sayan tapew na dalin; tan awit tayo ya onarap ed say Dios a sakey ya pinalsan abinyagan tan naitdan na balon puso tan ispirito! Komon, pilien tayo so ngaran na saray iter tayo – aliwan ngaran na siopa man tan antokaman. No labay yon iter so ngaran na say anak o apo yo na kombinasyon na ngaran yo, agyo lilingwanan ya itdan ira na second name: say ngaran na santo.

Say kandila: sayan kandila ya sinelselan et simbolo na liwawa nen Kristo. Sayan liwawa na Katawan so naawat na say abinyagan. Diad binyag na ogaw, say kandila na ogaw so selselan na say ama. Say dasal na pari et pian mansiansia komon ya mandarlang so sayan silew nen Kristo ed say abinyagan unong ed say panangantabay tan tulong na saray ateng tan ninong tan ninang na say abinyagan.

Say binyag so sankarakepan tan sankabalgan ya regalo ya iner na Dios ed sikatayo. Say grasya na binyag komon so mansiansian onbolaslas tan napasimbalo tayo ed inagew-agew ya bilay tayo. Ta say binyag tayo komon so ag-nepeg ya benegan tan iwaklit. Saya et matoor ya ibilay tan pabiskegen unong ed say grasya tan panangasi na Katawan. Ontan pa komon. Amen.

01 January 2011

Epiphany of our Lord: Pangasinan Reflection

Say kabaliksan na salita'y "epipanya" et say "panangipaamta" Kanian sayan fiesta et ibebelyaw to ed amin ya si Jesus et linmad diad mundo ya manangilaban tayo, aliwa labat ed para saksakey ya too odino pamilya odino nasyon. Ingen, si Jesus so niyanak diad mundo para amin a too, para sankamundoan. Si Jesus so Manangilaban na amin, anggan kapigan, anggan iner. Sikato ya so kabaliksan no akin et saramay bisita nen Jesus ya makabat ya totoo et nanlapud nanduroman pasen ed mundo. Si Jesus so Dios aliwan para saksakey ya totoo o nasyon, o pasen. Si Jesus et Dios tan Manangilaban na amin!

Talora so regalo ya awit na sarayan makabat o wise men ya inter dad si Jesus. Sarayan talora et walay mas araldalem ya kabaliksan to no siopa si Jesus. Say insenso, balitok tan mira. Say insenso so inter ed si Jesus lapud sikato so Anak na Dios, say maandon Salita na Ama. Sikato so idadayew tan dadakmomoen a katekep toy Ama tan say Ispirito Santo a Dios. Say balitok so inter dad sikato lapud si Jesus so Ari na amin, Ari na sansinakuban, amin ya pinalsa. Mira so sakey ya pabalingit. Sikato so mabetbet ya uusaren ed say panaglinis tan panagparaan ed say bangkay. Inter iya ed si Jesus lapud sikato met so tuan too, say Manangilaban na mundo ya nanirap tan inatey para say kilalaban na amin!

No say Panarian nen Kristo labat so mansiansia, tan saya labat so natilak ed amin diad sampot na mundo, sirin, sikato ya so manunaan ya priority na bilay tayo. Tan singa saray makakabat ya lalakin, sipaparaan tayo sirin ya panlingkuran iyan Panarian na Katawan. Panon?

Sipaparaan tayo met ya ibagat so inkasikatayo, ed taloran bengatla: ibagat tayo ed say Dios iray time, talent tan treasure tayo. A singa balitok na parte na bilay tayo. Sikaraya so nanlapud Dios ya inter ton bendision ed sikatayo para say pankamaungan tayo. Sirin ontan met ya sipaparaan tayon ipawil ed say Dios ya siliket tan walay pisasalamat.

Kumadwa, saray dasay, pikakasi tan say panangigalang tan dayew tayo. Diad say pimimisa yo, ontan lan iiter tayo iray insenso ya inrigalo na saray makabat ya lalaki. Diad say pantatalimokor tayon panpipikasi, diad say panagdasal tayo, anggan ingen say pangkansion tayo na saray kanta diad misa, ibebelyaw tayo so sankatageyan a Dios.

Kumatlo, diad saray irirap, ermen, saray panpapagaan tayo, saray liliknaen tayo, saray terter na lua tayo: sikara irayan so mira na bilay tayo. Ibagat tayo iraya met ed si Jesus a Dios tayo. Anggapo so a akoen tan awaten na Katawan. Anggan saray mira na bilay tayo.

Ed sayan agew, diad misa tayo, no akoen yo so Katawan tayo ed masanton komunyon, walaray taloran sarag tayon ibagat a singa sakey ya regalo ed say Katawan: saray balitok na bilay tayo, ya papablien tan isinop-sinop, ya ngal-ngali ag itbanan. Saray insenso na bilay tayo, panangidayew, dasal tan panagpikasi ed say Dios a Katawan. Saray mira na bilay tayo: kaermenan, kairapan, panpapagaan.

No ibagat ed Katawan iraya, aliwan bayar ed say Katawan iraya a singa bayar ed say sinaliw tayo ed tindaan. Tan anggapo so makasarag a manbayar ed say panangasi tan panangaro na Katawan ed sikatayo. No ingen et sarayan iter tan ibagat tayo et pisasalamat, panangidayew tan pikakasakey ed si Jesus ya Manangilaban tayo. Sikaraya so REGALO, aliwan BAYAR. Pisasalamt, aliwan bayar.

Tan komon no sikatayo la so onsempet, mas walay seseg tan seet, katooran tayon manbilay a sakey ya Kristianon Katoliko na Panarian na Katawan. Ontan pa komon. Amen.